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AuthorVillages are safe again!
For days and days the raiders pounced on our villages relentlessly. With every fight they grew less calculating and more reckless, until their hearts were finally overflowing with fear and they turned tail. Perhaps the defenders should have chased the rascals and finished them off… but the damage they had caused still had to be repaired in time for the upcoming holidays.

While peasants took to repairs, sharing stories of bravery and self-sacrifice they had just witnessed, Warlord Grammith was occupied with thoughts. It bothered him that all sorts of robbers and bandits from different clans united to fight shoulder to shoulder. What could bring together border reivers and desert raiders, prairie drovers and giants from remote mountain trails? It did not bode well for the Empire, but Grammith still hoped that the savage beating would eventually drive those ragamuffins to rip each other’s throats out in their filthy hideouts. Cheering himself with that thought, the Warlord mounted his trusty griffin and headed back to the Capital to honour and reward the valiant defenders of the Empire.

Lords and Ladies, thanks to your valour and courage the devious raids on our exposed settlements have been repelled in excellent fashion! Most enemy forces have been wiped out; their paltry remnants are crawling back to their holes and won’t dare stick their noses out again for a long while. Warlord Grammith expresses his gratitude to everyone who took part in shielding the villages and especially recognizes Empire’s best defenders:

All those who attained 15 or more victories have been rewarded with an achievement and an additional artifact which depends on your combat level. Its durability is based on your final score expressed as Victories*100 + Final Population:


If you won at least once, you are entitled to a reward in gold! Its size depends on your number of victories and your combat level. Hurry to the Village defence page to claim your reward!

Empire’s Best Defenders:

 Lord/LadyVictoriesFinal PopulationScore
1.Õåäèí01 [6]572,6318,331
2.#5385Áàíêîì¸ò [11]572,6068,306
3.#846Nevermorer [10]572,5848,284
4.-ßðîìèð- [6]582,4828,282
5.Åòèøêà [13]562,5548,154
6.Moby [9]572,4288,128
7.#18-Luxeon- [17]572,4188,118
8.Áýðåêåí Äý-Ìîô [6]582,3038,103
9.#2140Vasco da Gama [8]572,4028,102
10.ZvezPlam [8]572,3938,093
11.#823- Nobless - [13]572,3658,065
12.#1209VETER_1 [16]572,3648,064
13.#2870Destroyers22 [13]562,4628,062
14.Alarion_ [11]572,3488,048
15.#6815eXow [8]572,3408,040
16.ÍÅßÑÈÒÜ [7]572,3348,034
18.#2140Bobolo [10]572,3258,025
19.äîáðûé200 [6]572,3208,020
20.Vivat1 [7]572,3158,015
21.jeen1 [17]572,3148,014
22.#997Arsava [8]582,2018,001
23.#5604ìîñêèòîí [17]562,3967,996
24.tanat13 [10]572,2917,991
25.Òàãàñ [7]562,3887,988
26.ìèõàèë àðõàíãåë [6]572,2847,984
27.LastChance [19]562,3847,984
28.-ÒàëàÒ- [9]572,2797,979
29.Óìåðòâè÷êà [5]582,1797,979
30.Peel [7]572,2767,976
31.vanna-rum ru [11]562,3747,974
32.Juniperus [7]562,3737,973
33.Áàóòî [5]572,2687,968
34.Äæîðàõ [13]562,3647,964
35.#1041ÊèðèëëÎëåãîâè÷ [11]562,3617,961
36.#3975yand [15]562,3477,947
37.#997Áðàõìà [8]582,1447,944
38.Maxmbox [6]572,2427,942
39.#7777Maxumys [18]572,2417,941
40.#8415sasa18 [13]562,3377,937
41.#823Asmadeuss [19]562,3377,937
42.#5349Victorius07 [9]582,1367,936
43.#18ÏðèçðàêÒÍ [13]562,3357,935
44.#2517Õåëëî [14]562,3297,929
45.Ýðèíäîð [5]572,2247,924
46.#468Ñèä [17]562,3237,923
47.Awesome 13 [6]572,2187,918
48.LostOfFuture [8]562,3147,914
49.#15Drake2015 [14]562,3097,909
50.#433Ìàðòî÷êà [15]562,3087,908
51.-ÒÐÈ- [15]562,3087,908
52.#249zVileyki [17]562,3067,906
53.#3304Ìèñòåðèê13 [15]562,3047,904
54.#2336lanar-77 [18]562,2997,899
55.anastasiia [8]562,2977,897
56.Grozan [13]572,1957,895
57.Uraraka [7]572,1937,893
58.#8433Easy95 [9]552,3927,892
59.Smet4ik2 [8]562,2877,887
60.#468Elf on unicorn [16]562,2857,885
61.#276volmixer [16]562,2857,885
62.#782rus48 [16]562,2837,883
63.#1597borya2704 [15]562,2817,881
64.sashae21 [7]572,1807,880
65.Oneleader [9]572,1777,877
66.Ìèõàèë Îâàë [11]562,2757,875
67.#2213BOJIKAH [10]572,1737,873
68.#1209Alina [17]562,2727,872
69.#14ßðîñëàâ [18]562,2727,872
70.#104_Fukuro_ [17]562,2687,868
71.Liska [9]562,2687,868
72.Äåäóëÿí [14]552,3657,865
73.#5349SNI [15]562,2637,863
74.Ò_è_ã_ð_¸_í_î_ê [16]562,2637,863
75.#18auo-81 [15]562,2617,861
76.#14×åðíîâ_Ñàøà [19]562,2597,859
77.#433ÂîâàíÂàâàíû÷2 [18]552,3587,858
78.#6285Mutare_Drake [13]562,2577,857
79.#5063---ÂÀÍÄÀË--- [15]572,1527,852
80.#1209ShurA_Vi [18]562,2517,851
81.#6259Ìèëèðà [17]562,2517,851
82.#8502Ëâëàï [6]582,0517,851
83.ÄæåêÂîðîáåé [10]562,2517,851
84.buryi85 [7]572,1507,850
85.#823Ìýéëèí [19]562,2507,850
86.#7705Netzu [16]562,2497,849
87.Åâà2008 [9]572,1467,846
88.Gtln [10]562,2467,846
89.#2302Ðîìàðèî011 [17]562,2437,843
90.#782rejl [11]572,1417,841
91.focs02 [20]562,2417,841
92.#104Áåíÿ [20]562,2397,839
93.agar__agar [9]562,2377,837
94.Saporem Amoris [10]562,2337,833
95.#5063Íîñîê_ñóäüáû [11]572,1327,832
96.Ëåøåíüêà [6]562,2307,830
97.TExa [8]572,1277,827
98.#1254ðîìà1979 [15]562,2237,823
99.Milvan87 [7]572,1207,820
100.---PeoPle--- [9]562,2177,817

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