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Author[(old) News] Portal of Time Closed
Here's my literary translation of the recent portal announcement. Sorry that it took so long this time!


Every day of the journey into the past, black storm clouds shrouded the sky. Whether it was the elements that caused the enemy to be so aggressive or something else, no one knew, but heroes cared little about that. Duty to the Empire was their highest consideration… though some were driven through the portal by very different motives.

A few minutes before the Portal of Time closed, an unequal battle took place far away from the main Imperial camp. Slicing and hacking recklessly in a deadly whirlwind, a barbarian lord slew the foes around him and surveyed the field. The flanks of his army were already destroyed; his ally’s troops were being pushed back by relentless hatred demons and grim fate spinners. The lord sounded his battle horn to band his last few warriors around him and give the enemy one last fight.

“Hurry, wizard, work your magiks!” he muttered under his breath, splitting an incoming bone spear in the air. But as he heard the mad laughter of approaching maniacs which, combined with the gnarling of ravenous ghouls, made for a macabre cacophony, aloud he shouted, “Stand to the end!”

Trying to suppress fear among his troops, the lord turned around to face the bloody jaws of a hellhound who had jumped onto defenders’ shields and was lunging at him. But just as his ax was about to cleave the demon in half, time suddenly froze for a mere instant, and the next moment the blade swished through thin air.

Regaining his balance, the barbarian gazed at feral gremlins scattering in panic, his war face slowly transforming into a grin. Snowy landscapes of his native surroundings were a feast for his eyes. “That was close,” he said, laughing wildly, and set off for the Capital to claim his well-deserved reward.

Dear Lords and Ladies, the Portal of Time has shut and our journey into the past has come to an end. The court wizard Abu Bakir thanks each of you who answered his call and helped keep his expedition safe and secure. For their fortitude and courage, every player who has collected 600 crystals or more is rewarded with a special artifact, whose durability depends on the number of crystals collected. The maximum durability awarded to the top 30 players is 90:


The top 10 clans have also received handsome payouts from the treasury. The top 50 players and top 50 clans have gone down in the history of the Empire:

[lists available at http://www.heroeswm.ru/forum_messages.php?tid=2539907]

More glorious victories to you, and more fun playing!
Thank you for the translation :)
Thanks! :)
Thanks :)
Thanks =)
Thanks :)
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