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[(old) News] It’s Empire Defender’s Day!

Author[(old) News] It’s Empire Defender’s Day!
Here's my literary translation of yesterday's announcement. Not sure why it wasn't officially published.


Dwellers of nearby lands have long wondered how such a vast Empire, which gives shelter to so many different peoples, has managed to stay as one. The secret is simpler than most expect. It lies in the fearless hearts of loyal Defenders, whose shields are sturdier than castle walls, whose swords carry righteous retribution, and who never shy away from using deadly force to stop any trespassers in their tracks — even if they are conjured up from the fog of age-old wars by some demoniac frenzy.

Lords and Ladies, today is Empire Defender’s Day! As has become our tradition, the northern regions of the Empire are again in need of protection. Frontier guards are calling all heroes of combat level 3 and above to report to Peaceful Camp, Eagle Nest, Sunny City, Crystal Garden, Fairy Trees, or Ungovernable Steppe, to help repel the enemy attacks. While you’re in one of those locations, fights will start automatically every 10 minutes, as long as your army is fully recruited and completely ready for action. The total number of fights is limited to 23.

Each victory will earn you a greeting card which may be kept for yourself or gifted to any male character. All greeting cards you keep or receive will stay in your profile until the end of February. Also, the Tavern will be offering free recovery drinks throughout the day.

Congratulations, and let’s show those trespassers what we’re made of!
Thanks for the translation :)
Nice :)
:) thanks
Thanks for translating :) I think I missed this though
Thanks for the translation!
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