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A guy is harrassing me and asking me for money

AuthorA guy is harrassing me and asking me for money
Guy's ID:
- https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=6688660

Battle's ID:
- https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=857037929

Now he is also Mailing me, asking for money for no apparent reason.
I honestly dont understand why.
I can also give proof of Mails, IDK how though.

Punish please, annoying... :S
Thanks in advance.
Forward the mail to insults.
Forward the mail to insults.

Click reply on the mail that he sent to you, and in the "To:" field, replace his name with "insults" and send it.
I thought it might be me :P
closed by Beliar (2017-09-26 21:10:28)
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