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Total damage/ Individual damage

AuthorTotal damage/ Individual damage
An update was made recently that highlighted multiple tiles that creature made damage to, Also the damage indicator showed the total amount of damage, Recently i discovered, if i press control and then point at target, it will show individual damage to each target.

Hope it helps :)
Awesome, thanks.
Ah thanks a lot!
nice, thanks for the info
Neat stuff!
good to know
ohh thx alot man!!!!!
oh , so thats why its showing 3 red tiles in front of my cerebri whenever i move my cursor on the tiles , thnx
if i press control and then point at target, it will show individual damage to each target.

I did not know this, thank you!
Before (A week ago or so, I think) the ATB thing, and now this, niicee!!

Both changes have to do with "Clarity" when it comes to gameplay, its good.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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