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Intentional loss, and "Troll

AuthorIntentional loss, and "Troll
Battle ID:

Guy ID:

He picks Holy Elf (Which I have no problem with), but refuses to Buff my units in almost the whole battle, until its already too late.
He doesnt include my units inside the 4x4 box when he can, or he rather buff an Anchorite that cant shoot (Because there was an enemy Wyvern Adjacent to the Anchorite), than my whole army...
Also, doesnt answer any of my comments, even though I try to communicate in all possible languages with Google Translate.
I dont think he is just "Unskilled", because he has clearly Farmed Guilds in his Character, so he has some Knowledge, but you can see he has way so many losses in CG.
Even though I told him to buff me, he refused to, and rather buff useless units (Like Treefolk, or blocked Anchorite).

Also, suicides Unicorn for no apparent reason at the beggining (When you should stay in your side at the beggining if your plan is to Cast Holy), and makes Treefolk leave his archers, which then have no protection from getting blocked.

Tried carrying, but impossible, too many enemies to take into account.

Punish, please, he did all he could to make lose.
Thx in advance.
closed by Beliar (2017-11-12 11:22:47)
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