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AuthorThief Guild: Varied Routes; Difficulties & Rewards
So presently under the TG, it doesn't matter what Route I set my Thieving at.

My point being,
The difficulty of the battle is dictated by my general win rate.
The FSP gain is the same for Wins.
The TG Points earned is 1 per win.
The Gold earned is a basic variable, regardless of the difficulty of the battle.

My suggestion,
Variable Difficulty & Variable Rewards for TG Ambush across the Map.
There could be 3 Levels of Difficulty:
Level 1 Route:
Easy, Grants 0.6 TG Points + 0.6*Regular Gold + 0.6*Regular FSP.
Level 2 Route:
The Current Scheme of things.
Level 3 Route:
Difficult, Grants 1.2 TG Points + 1.2*Regular Gold + 1.2*Regular FSP

Level 1 Routes: Empire Capital - East River
Level 3 Routes: The Wilderness - Lizard Lowland
And so on and so forth.
This follows a simple Risk Reward mechanic.
It corrects itself in the long run, as those who constantly opt for Level 3 Routes will face unkillable armies sooner, and those who opt for Easier Routes will take a longer time to earn X amount of TG Points.

A Parallel advantage is that this would give another dimension to Rangers' Guild as well. Also, Rangers could have their rewards based on the AP of the opponent.

This is kind of similar to how it works in real life; there are certain locations where Thieving is Tougher & certain locations where Thieving is easier. This system exists in many RPGs already, where you are rewarded with more Gold, XP, etc for thieving or pickpocketing a stronger enemy.
Looks interesting.. in the long run will this actually affect the rate of which people gain points? Since route 3 might take more losses to make easier.
Sounds interesting, always nice to have a level of choice. AI is likely to be ever more relevant in thieving as well since now Abu-Bakr has anti thief I would expect there to be a lot less player ambushes.
now Abu-Bakr has anti thief
Really? I don't know that. They still didn't change it in description?
for Gaara:If you have Abu-Bakrs charm active go to the artifact shop and the mounts section and you will see an option to turn anti-thief on or off.
I like this idea so much.

You would be able to adjust difficulty yourself, and better.
ABC now has anti thief feature
that's good
+. Sounds like quite the interesting idea. I read that the admins are working on a reform for TG so this could be a nice thing for them to consider.
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