An example:
I win somewhat "Relaxed", but after Raising almost everybody back up, I dont get 3 Stars...
There was an Update months ago (Which nobody Announced, Btw, but some UN Players realized I think), which made Resurrects not ignore the HP Condition in WG anymore.
Now WGs take into acount the moment in which you had lowest amount of units (I would put this in Bold letters, but I cant here D:).
Thing is (If you look the battle i post, for instance), UNs ARENT MEANT to have always 80% of the Unit up.
And if I used a Melee build, it would have been the same, or worse, IMO (For that specific WG I show).
Isnt there a way to send a "Letter" to admins asking them to revert it?
3 stars is an important thing in weekends like this... |