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AuthorRemove potion of oblivion and just let us minus the primary parameters
It is pretty annoying when every time you want to make a new talent set loadout with new parameters you gotta go to the store, buy pot and then put points one by one. Or when you literaly want to change one of that pesky defense point into a knowledge point. Cant we just have a minus sign next to the parameter and have it function as -1 on the parameter? Would make this whole process so much easier..
+1, or move the button from art shop to your Character page so you can drop it easier/faster
I guess it’s in a way preserving the old system to remind us that “potion of oblivion” was a thing, which was quite costly at the time.
But I don”t see why not, I find it annoying too.
YES! Good idea.
I suppose they kept the PoO because it's more "beautiful" to think that you drink a potion to make you forget and learn again, from the "writing perspective".
But what you say would make things shorter.
It is so annoying!!!
Yes, it is annoying!
+1 the only reason i still dont have any hunt records is because i am too lazy to redistribute parameters,and sometimes talents so i just get a hunt assist
+1 it is even for free, so its totally useless to "purchase" it at the shop and then use it
copy the link of the potion and set it as one of your shortcut
+1 It is a clunky interface that is based on an old system when switching factions was a rare thing, as was by consequence changing your stats.
There was more emphasis on being of one race primarily and while it made sense back then, it does not anymore.

Allow that option to be permanently there makes much more sense for the situation now.
AND its implemented, thank You Admins
closed by Meshy (2018-03-22 14:34:44)
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