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AuthorCreature Armamament Rework
I am kind of tired of getting armaments for factions I have 0 FSP in and don't plan on playing any time soon. When I do get armaments for factions I do use, I get them for creatures I either already upgraded or don't have yet (Tier 7 upgrades). I would to propose a change to the algorithm that distributes the armaments so that your FSL influences which armaments you get. The higher level you are in a particular faction, the higher chance to get armaments for that faction. Moreover, it will also increase the chances of getting armaments for upgraded creatures (crossbow armaments rather than bowmen, etc). Like that, you have a better chance of getting armaments that are actually useful to you. For high level players who have high FSL across the board, the system will essentially behave like it does right now, which is completely random.
Creature armaments for those can be useful in some events like portal of time.

As it is there is now a lot of chances to get armaments - over time you will have them for all creatures - it is only right that you should be incentivised to keep finding them to reset cost or to find the more elusive +2 versions.

Personally while I get your idea and see the merit of it, I do not think it is needed, players should expect to have to graft them out and get no short cuts.
change to the algorithm that distributes the armaments so that your FSL influences which armaments you get.
Should be this way
Totally disagree with the idea. Would be too simple to collect all armaments for everyone. The system is good as it is. And making double standards For high level players who have high FSL across the board, the system will essentially behave like it does right now would be wrong. Plus As it is there is now a lot of chances to get armaments - over time you will have them for all creatures - it is only right that you should be incentivised to keep finding them to reset cost or to find the more elusive +2 versions.
Current system encourages players to do more battles to get desired +2 armament. It just be unfair to reward everyone with all armament for their most FSP having faction
Wouldn't this negatively affect a person who has more balanced guilds (myself) and may require for example tribal faction for an event (where I would activate all my armas)?
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