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AuthorBring back old 2v2 CG
This new Mixed CG is very unfair for low level players.
Check this battle out and you will understand how unfair it is.

My suggestion is to bring back old matchmaking so that people can have fair and fun battles not like these ones.
I'd not say to bring back old system, but I'd rather prefer letting us kicked out when unable to find pair for random 2vs2 CG, instead of sending into 3vs3 mixed for such case.

Its very annoying, all depends on how quality player your partner is while your contribution is none/negligible.
while your contribution is none/negligible.
If our contribution is none so whats the fun in it?

I want to play 2v2 battles with same level players but always im getting unfair battles which are already very time consuming and cannot do anything in it.

If u want to keep mixed battles then keep 3 options, dual, 2v2, and mixed.
Yes totally agreed. I get your point. Only defeat for me for today is because of mixed, and I was hopeless there against lvl 18+.

Btw, just checked your combat log, seems like you are playing preset CGs, for which you will never end up into 2vs2s.
When preset CGs are made, you always end up in mixed CG.
When preset CGs
What is it?

I want to play 2v2 with my friend but end up in mixed matches.
Thats exactly what preset CG is.
Playing with a fixed partner.

And it completely makes sense, otherwise any 2 good factions ( like HK and DD ), can team up and win easily all CG battles -> free guild points.
But still there should be an option for 2v2 as not everyone is interested in mixed battles.

2 good factions ( like HK and DD ), can team up
About this everyone teams up like that only and here u can contribute and have fair fights though and use your brains rather than hoping your high level partner is good!

Im not against mixed but i would love to have 2v2 again.
2 good factions can team up.. but it gets a bit ridiculous.. Deathy and I used to team up (charmer + DD) and it would not be viable since his opposite was mostly CL19+ in a rush build that would go through him like a hot knife through butter.

I'd definitely love a 2 vs 2 CG when teaming with a friend.
I'd definitely love a 2 vs 2 CG when teaming with a friend.

We get this during preset tourney - so long as you are teh same CL.

A preset team option in mixed tourney to get around the CL limitation is probably not fair.

The reason they got rid of the 2vs 2 was because of lack of numbers. So what I would wish for is more numbers such that it was a viable option again!
The reason they got rid of the 2vs 2 was because of lack of numbers. So what I would wish for is more numbers such that it was a viable option again!

It has been talked about allowing just during certain timeframes during some interview I think. On the plus side the days of bonus and last tournament with artifact parts did increase PvP participation.

I think it should work like duels, where preset teams can form and if there is no opponent at :29 or :59 then drop participation and let people join random mixed.
+1 for Slust's idea.

I had a game earlier where we got matched up with levels 18/14/13 vs levels 17/17/15. I'm not one to complain but it felt hopeless <.< I would appreciate something to even out the playing field a little bit more with 2v2's rather than completely random.
People not interested to play mixed are forced to play one coz there are no 2v2.
It would be better to differentiate 2v2 and mixed.

And if there are no 2v2 teams u can have a pop up message to ask whether u want to join mixed or not.
I generally agree, however the uncertainty is just the greatest flavor of mix cg, it is quite a effort to make a build suitable for most cases(if without the invincible dwarf).
also add a clan filter etc. I want to BE ABLE TO form 4 player matches, all friends. where we can SHUFFLE teams and play many CG ;)

Current mixed CG format is an abomination created just to please a few top levels.
it is quite a effort to make a build suitable for most cases

There's only 1 build for lower levels that is darkness or holy build.

Current mixed CG format is an abomination created just to please a few top levels.

Yes that's the point.
There's only 1 build for lower levels that is darkness or holy build

taking the risk to look as if i was splitting hairs, i'd like to correct that those are TWO builds.
Also DoF is a great build to take as a lower level.
What's that?
What's that?

It's when a talented wizard burns you so hard that your armor melts.


taking the risk to look as if i was splitting hairs, i'd like to correct that those are TWO builds.

If you want to further split hairs, then you could say that only classic knight can be holy or dark so that's still just one build per faction :p
Being forced to 3v2 when teaming with a friend, is one of the reasons why they tell me "Sorry, I dont wanna CG Paired, 3v2 or 2v3 is just too uncomfortable and long"...

> Making friends and playing with them shouldnt be this discouraged... :(((
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