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AuthorThe best hunters!
As soon as the final changes were made to the records table, the hunting season can be officially considered closed. But the most interesting things did not end there. Even the most avid hunters who did not like the process of hunting, many of them were eagerly awaiting for this moment. When it was time to put aside worn-out bows and empty quivers, and a glass of ale to indulge in the atmosphere of universal joy, which is full of unprecedented boasting and unheard stories.

Lords and Ladies, the Hunter’s Guild announces the closing of the latest hunting season and proudly sums its results. For 4 days the hunters spent about 400,000 fights and performed about 53,000 quests. According to the results of the hunting season, there are about 30,000 final records set by 5,511 Lords!

Every Lord who has established at least one record was awarded by:

1) The points of the Hunter's Guild - 3 points for each record;
2) Gold - for 100 * [combat level] for each record;
3) An unique hunting artifact, the durability of which depends on the number of established records;
4) Achievement on the Lord’s personal information page.

And best of the best, who managed to set 10 records or more, is given an artifact of increased durability from the sets of the Master Hunter, Great Hunter or Beastbane. One artifact for every 10 records. The belonging of the obtained artifact of any particular set depends on the level of Hunter’s Guild of Hero.

The names of the best record holders of this hunting season are forever recorded in the history of the Empire:

 LordNumber of records
1.Кристал [7] 66
2.#1597AstraW [11] 60
3.Князь Сатаны [12] 56
4.ЧерноБог [7] 56
5.#933Bounty rune [9] 54
6.#8048Stealth [22] 53
7.0дичалый [5] 53
8.#1488ЭльфСПрутиком [8] 49
9.Гроза_ГВД [6] 46
10.Ивентист [6] 46
11.#728Daeve [10] 45
12.#7777Paradox-x-x [22] 44
13.#18Noldor [22] 43
14.#2517black_lotos [17] 43
15.ДемонБезГоловы [8] 43
16.ZvezPlam [10] 42
17.#823Газкул [17] 41
18.#88Nevermorer [14] 41
19.Duke Logan [10] 41
20.Grimm [7] 41
21.#1209Celestica [13] 40
22.Дедлайн [7] 40
23.Pit174 [5] 40
24.#928-kord- [14] 39
25.#933Cid Kampeador [11] 39
26.SuperVanya [6] 39
27.#928omne [13] 38
28.#15DeMoon [9] 38
29.#1597Бука_ [9] 38
30.polarbeer [8] 38
31.Дю-игорь [6] 38
32.Dyn I [6] 38
33.#823_bravehero_ [17] 37
34.БруталВуМэн [5] 37
35.Iventer [10] 36
36.#1512Hekpo [21] 35
37.#3303I_ARHANGEL_I [15] 35
38.Xpe H [5] 35
39.#1209Гермес [19] 34
40.#933Красный баран [16] 34
41.#823Diospyros [14] 34
42.#823Escander [13] 34
43.#10133А с т р е я [11] 34
44.yuri70 [22] 33
45.#8502--Loky-- [10] 33
46.#933Arc Warden [9] 33
47.#2517Maxumys [19] 32
48.-ТЫКВИК- [12] 32
49.DelAgro [8] 32
50.#928220yards [20] 31
51.#928ElMarado [18] 31
52.#3975xvxPAINxvx [18] 31
53.#1597А л е к с [17] 31
54.#387Найквист [11] 31
55.#276EVSey [21] 30
56.#17TKL [21] 30
57.#8048Мэйлин [20] 30
58.#1271КонтуженыйХомяк [18] 30
59.#57Лосось [17] 30
60.#57yalev [15] 30
61.#41-Nuke- [15] 30
62.#823Маг-Лесник [14] 30
63.#6396-_танатос_- [11] 30
64.#15Gun Jack [10] 30
65.#1597Дочка Земли [10] 30
66.ss801 [8] 30
67.Элегантный [5] 30
68.#823Strikert&nbsnbsp;[22] 29
69.#1512---red-wolf--- [22] 29
70.#1271FERRAR1st [21] 29
71.#276Муга97 [14] 29
72.KillThemAll [13] 29
73.#88Soiot [11] 29
74.#346DronGar [10] 29
75.Люджа [9] 29
76.GRRT [8] 29
77.#3346Kernov [8] 29
78.#57ГРАД [22] 28
79.#2517Всеволод [20] 28
80.#728Palace [19] 28
81.#928a_yakovin [12] 28
82.#1597ydachy2007 [12] 28
83.-ОГО- [10] 28
84.#407Екзекутор [9] 28
85.#433Andrey_Sm [18] 27
86.#5604НаВсё [17] 27
87.#928Щедрый_жмот [16] 27
88.#1519Kung_Fury [14] 27
89.#1180Super-Dragon [14] 27
90.#1209The Martyr [13] 27
91.Степа_шка [11] 27
92.Mystical_Hunter [8] 27
93.-мастер_шифу- [6] 27
94.kubikrubik [6] 27
95.#302Barbarianov [17] 26
96.#928Озрик [17] 26
97.#1209Franto [16] 26
98.#5722ВилкаШеогората [13] 26
99.#823Nexik [12] 26
100.#933Уровень [12] 26
101._lifesteale [7] 26
102.Васяня [7] 26
103.theQ [7] 26
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