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Author[Campaign] Mysterious epidemic

Good luck everyone!
English version developing.
will ag3 come out together with this?
Time for AG2 :D
English version developing.
Just to read that makes me kinda happy.
Just that sentence reflects that right after doing something, they think of translating to english immediatelly for the 5% of "population".
Can anyone post the storyline in English?
About how much time did it take for them to translate the last campaign?
Total number of battles are 21, if anyone is wondering.
The guy who does the translation for this is a professional, so it may take a bit time but the quality will be outstanding. :)
Reminder to people with to the if these. The more people do the harder it . As such it is generally to be to it earlier rather than waiting fora translation.
Sorry about the grammar on the last message, I did it on my phone and clearly it does not make the most sense!
for Lord MilesTeg:
I'm way ahead of you, didn't want a repeat of what happened this Hunt Season

for Mega Demon:
I think it is about a mysterious epidemic where you will have to kill a lot of badies to solve it.

Campaign: Mysterious epidemic

Residents of several villages complained about the symptoms of an unknown disease. Local healers were powerless and urgently sought help from the imperial healer, Tareiden, but he was abducted on the way.
By the time the healer was rescued and was able to finally reach the hearth of the epidemic, he faced a new threat ...

Heroes! We are glad to present to your attention the third combat campaign, in which you are expected:
- New landscapes;
- New creatures;
- The possibility of nonlinear transmission;
- Award in battles and at the end of the campaign, as well as the Guild of Searchers' points.

The "Mysterious Epidemic" campaign continues the history of "The Quest for the Healer", but anyone can try their hand at a new adventure.

Mysteries of Amnithis

Interesting fights and exciting adventures!
for ProZyk:

I was wondering this, thank you :D
Here's a link to a battle with the new units, looks like corrupted Monks and Farmers:

So their people play it first making it harder after each completion. By the time the translation is there the easy of it will be worse than the hard at the start of it. But hey, we can play it now right? It's just that we won't understand didley of it and have a harder time at it figuring it out so not enjoy it that much. As in we are getting seated near the toilet, bussiness as usual. Enjoy.
I don't think translating it will make it easier for us to play in any regard tbh.
lawton, you allways seem to have something to complain about... we have a new campaign... take the positives for what they are and stop looking for problems :D
for Lawton:
Yea...everything and everyone is here for making you sad. Why do you have to be such a prick?

Game is free to play. Noone owes you anything. There are a lot more of russians in this game - so naturally they will first add campaign in their language.

And as Meshy said, there is no difference. I completed on medium and I am on 75% of the hard one. I dont know a single word in russian. Just move on the map from one indicator to the other...its should be easy for you too..

You cant play campaign for the plot..its only around 15 dialogues long. Play single player games for the story..
Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2018-06-01 07:43:18 // L.R 8,F.R 4.4 # Insults
I do agree that it is nicer to play with english translation, but I'm happy to take the extra difficulty by waiting, personal choice everyone can have different opinion
What's up with the stalions? They were waiting until thinking it would be smart to retal something when I had won already. Do you get something if they survive?
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