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AuthorSet number of points in primary parameters after reset
We already have an opportunity to increase all available points for certain primary parameter but I believe that many players don't like the possibility to increase points one by one. While on PC you can try pressing '+' button multiple times before page load by mouse and increase parameter e.g. 6-7 times at once, it is extremely annoying at cellphones.
Why not to make a box where we would write number of points to be increased for every primary parameter? For instance this would be useful mainly in cases where you need to increase attack by 10 and rest points in defense or something similar.
+1 wanted this for so long but thought someone would already have suggested it :P
+1 really good idea

That or we can have + and - buttons to put the initial allocation in (no page refresh), then another button named "set" or something which allocates the and refreshes the page.
we can have + and - buttons to put the initial allocation in (no page refresh), then another button named "set" or something which allocates the and refreshes the page

better idea for me
+1 to Meshy :D
Why not. Even for PC, less clicks to get the job done is welcome.
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // Flood // If you'd like to report someone breaking the rules, contact a mod]
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