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AuthorShow Date on Past Tournament Record Pages
When perusing past tournaments to see who won, what strategy/build the winners used, it would be extremely helpful to see the DAY MONTH YEAR of the tournaments, so that those interested can more easily locate the relevant combats in the combat log.
Had that in mind as well
I pointed out more or less the same in the Idea I posted, "Possibility to Filter Battles in Combat Log", to find Tournament battles easier.
But apparently it was suggested before, and got closed, sad.
ointed out more or less the same in the Idea I posted

These are two completely different ideas. One is about a combat log filter (similar yo transfer log) whereas this idea is to have the date of the tournament on the page to allow one to find the battles more easily.

+1 To this idea, I do have spent a while in the past trying to find particular battles from previous similar events.

I would probably even take it further and have the date of all events when you hover over someone's badge on their profile for example.
I'd like to add on something to this. When you see tournament results, beside the char's name there should be a button which redirects to a list of all the battles from the tournament. Though I guess this might be a bit hard.

+1 anyway.
Tournament battles should be hidden instead of hiding PvE battles… There's nothing more annoying than facing all the players of one faction using the very same build with the very same opening moves and very same talents/stats allocation.

Can't you take pride in building a successful strategy on your own rather than just copying?
Can't you take pride in building a successful strategy on your own rather than just copying?

Several arguments to counter this:

1. There's no guarantee seeing someone else's build will help you directly, as the factions used may be different. For example, if I look at the winner's page and see that the overwhelming number of Gold medalists were either TDE or SB, it won't help me directly if I'm a Dwarf. However, it may help give me an idea.

2. There's no guarantee using the same strategy/build will produce the same results. In the last tourney, for example, I took first place on my first attempt. On my second attempt, I used the exact same build and the same strategy, but was eliminated first. It took several more builds before I was able to come up with a winning strategy.

3. There's no guarantee that the AI won't change its tactics from one tournament to the next, or even from one battle to the next. I noticed several times in the last tourney that sometimes the AI would duplicate the exact same build that a human player had used in the last combat.

4. There's no guarantee that the past winner wasn't the Lord or Lady him or herself. If, using my own build, strategy, and tactics, I manage to secure Gold in one tournament, but the next tournament of the same type is years away, what are the odds I will remember how I did it? Is it still copying if I myself am the source?

5. All is fair in love and war. Are you really upset that players might want to use a winning strategy? If everyone uses the same strategy, technically there cannot be a winner; all combats would result in draws. Since there [i]are[/i] winners and losers, the fact that people used the same build is immaterial -- the only thing that matters is playing without making a mistake.
1. There's no guarantee seeing someone else's build will help you directly, as the factions used may be different. For example, if I look at the winner's page and see that the overwhelming number of Gold medalists were either TDE or SB, it won't help me directly if I'm a Dwarf. However, it may help give me an idea.

There is. There's a website that collects every PvP battle for a reason. Even before tournament is finished you can know who will get gold and see how it was achieved.

2. There's no guarantee using the same strategy/build will produce the same results. In the last tourney, for example, I took first place on my first attempt. On my second attempt, I used the exact same build and the same strategy, but was eliminated first. It took several more builds before I was able to come up with a winning strategy.

Of course the result will be the same. Well, there are two things that affect the outcome outside of this, one being stats and people with gold tend to be way superior in this reguard, so yes a random player just won't do as good. Then is the ability to adapt, ie. how you react to an unexpected behaviour. This is a very unusual situation because the majority of players simply copy one guy's strategy so both players have expected reactions. Of course also triggers can mess strategy but a winning strategy is supposed to be consistent unless statistics go crazy.

3. There's no guarantee that the AI won't change its tactics from one tournament to the next, or even from one battle to the next. I noticed several times in the last tourney that sometimes the AI would duplicate the exact same build that a human player had used in the last combat.

I'm talking PvP tournament/event, so why do you mention AI? It's only there in blindfold which is one of the only instance where you can indeed review battles involving AI, otherwise ST, pirates or just about any event except hunting season has hidden battles. I'm not going to rant about 1% records from hunting season so I'll just stick to PvP.

I see you only have survival medals so I'm assuming that's what you're refering too.

4. There's no guarantee that the past winner wasn't the Lord or Lady him or herself. If, using my own build, strategy, and tactics, I manage to secure Gold in one tournament, but the next tournament of the same type is years away, what are the odds I will remember how I did it? Is it still copying if I myself am the source?

Best implementation would be combat log filter like we have transfer log filter... I recon it's a pain browsing randomly my log to find old campaign battles but I don't think the best solution to it is to let everyone copy everyone and promote this attitude.

5. All is fair in love and war. Are you really upset that players might want to use a winning strategy?

In my country we do copying as little kids in kindergarten. Then as we grow up we learn to think by ourselves. Besides if you had more experience of PvP you'd know that "wining strategy" is a very relative concept. Some factions had massive balance changes which shaked up strategy, so unholy naturally went to offensive build rather than defensive when it's the troops that are bumped on ATB and envoys max HP is lower than lich HP after a few raise.

However many other faction have had many different builds over time simply because they are copying the "wining strategy". There have been different winning strategy, because there are different good builds with pros and cons each. But only a fraction of players experiment on their own.

For exemple classic necro typically plays as attack build with no zombies. But then one guy went to use defense build with infected zombies and so every necro use that in some minor tournament.

Classic wizard used to be holy mostly, now I see a lot of defensive build with dominion of fire.

Elf used to always be charmer since it was released mostly. Not
Too wordy so it got cut. So I'll go for TL;DR version. For elf my exemple was that tactics classic elf was the trendy build recently but now it's back to charmer it seems.

Perhaps after a few thousands CG battles you'll get bored of seing all the same strategies used over and over in an highly predictible fashion.
I'm talking PvP tournament/event

I'm only talking PvE, like the last tournament, everyone for oneself-style with 1 other human and 4 AIs. I didn't have time to use my main on it, but my original-Russian alt took Silver.

PvP doesn't really interest me, except for the 3 by 3 quick tourney. Best events IMO is Survival Tourney, Insight On (long time since we had one of those!), and the various PvE stuff like Pirates and Robbers.

Maybe your objections make sense in a PvP format, but I wouldn't know.

Having dates for Survival doesn't matter, because there is already static links to every battle, even the ones who take last place. It also doesn't help very much except to help learn better tactics (such as waiting a very long time before casting a phantom, in order to collect maximum orbs or avoid getting killed by big stacks of casters on an early wave), since every ST is unique.

So in last event, having the date stamp would be helpful but would prevent copying because every battle is different, having different AI factions, builds, and strategies
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