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Hamster soon


AuthorHamster soon
Only 20k combats until the hamster good luck all
less than 9k so probably another hour or so. good luck all remember that the counter stops about 300 til so you'll have to time it
Good luck to all, about 7.5k to go :D
Can anyone share hamster's stats please? I remember it had very high stats.
100 atk
100 def
5-10 dmg
4 speed
10 init
10k health
Ahh ok, for some reason I thought it was 100k hp lol. 10k shouldn't be a problem at lev 15.
15-20 min more
800 or so!
Damn.. 51 away, not bad for my first try.. maybe
So close yet so far. I underestimated how much the rush would increase in the last few seconds, many people attempted it it seems.
Missed by 26. The last few tries haven't gone to anyone that can beat him. Such a waste
Why does it always seem a low level gets the hamster and cant win
i Wonder, the hamster has 100/100 atk def, yet the damage it was doing to a 20-30 def unit was quite low.. how comes?
Why does it always seem a low level gets the hamster and cant win

There are significantly more lower lvl players than higher lvl. Oh well
for guyb:
When the difference between target's def and attacker's attack is for example 10, it means that attacker deals 1.50xdmg, 20 means 2.00xdmg, 100 means 5xdmg ;)
Of course my bad, when it is 100, it is 1+100*0.05 and thus it is 6
Missed by 26. The last few tries haven't gone to anyone that can beat him. Such a waste

Hmm just checked, the last one easily won.

i Wonder, the hamster has 100/100 atk def, yet the damage it was doing to a 20-30 def unit was quite low.. how comes?

It's dmg is only 5-10. So if someone has 20 def, then it's att-def is 80, so dmg becomes +400% of base. So it's 25-50 without any melee resistances.

Somewhat tedious part is killing it, so I went with xbows which negate def. Liz assailants would be good too.
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