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Hunt AI problem with low faction players


AuthorHunt AI problem with low faction players
Whenever play with low faction players, All creatures stack target the high level faction players. If 3 out of 5 stacks target high faction level player is fine enough. But, All 5 stacks targeting high level faction and ignoring low faction is so annoying to play. High faction player loose cahnce to gain some extra HG and Faction points.

Example,Check the battle. All 5 stacks moved towards me. and Also, Targeted only my troops and ignoring all troops of low faction player. If only 3 stacks targeted me then i had chance to protect the Phantom bow to gain some extra HG and Faction points.

(Its a turn based game not a real time game that i can quick click to kill all the targets)

Some more examples:
Mistype, Its all 4 stacks not 5 stacks!!

Another battle for more proof.
what do you want to express? you want ai to be more stupid or what?
Risk you take when asking for hunt assistance. Ai used to be dumb, not so much anymore.
Its just AI is getting smarter, you can't stop that from happening
Well, AI become smarter based of faction levels. Problem here low level faction player get over advantage to gain faction points. And high faction level have high chance to loose earlier.

Do you call this a smart AI ?!!! What about fair play.

If low level faction not play well after the high level lost then it cause more losses in battle.
Well whenever you eventually try to fix your character and play some other factions you'll be that low faction player so you'll be benefitted then.
what do you want to express? you want ai to be more stupid or what?

Not expect AI to be stupid, Do treat high faction player as stupid in terms of smart AI.
Moreover, I meant only the battles where low level faction-er. If check equal or just bit low faction-er, Its not happened!!!
Do you call this a smart AI ?
For sure that's smart. If you were playing against 2 players, would you try to kill the stronger one first or the one which is weaker? AI is only trying to increase its chances of winning and not just stopping people from playing their main faction.

You had better troops than your partner, so AI wanted to kill you as you were a greater threat for it.

Your troops still have higher stats than the other guy (due to faction level) and were again a greater threat.
What? That's not how it works, they don't go for the person with higher FSL, they target troops which have a higher threat level, and wardens, given their no range penalty, are very high on the target list. Here is an example battle where I have fsl 11 elf and partner has fsl 12 dwarf.

Your "proof" is just showing that AI is smart and goes for (and gangs up on) the higher stat troop when there are two troops of same target priority. Which is what I imagine pros do at CG.
Lol let me be truthful XD

Once i won against a player when was playing by himself :D

And lost when i played against his AI lmfaoooooo =_=
Computers are taking over !!!1!1!!

But no basically it's common sense, they don't wanna be in range of attack of both players, it's better to take down one enemy at a time. The enemy is chosen simply based on who poses the greatest threat as everyone explained. To be specific, it's not the character, his fsl and what not, it's about the individual troops. AI probably judged your shooters to be the biggest threat in the battlefield so they ran to it ^^

In the first battle, you had more wardens, so even more obvious why they target you.

How to avoid this? Get fewer stats or fewer wardens, but it's up to you if you really want that. Basically I mean it's not being done to harm higher fsl players, just an unintentional side effect.

You have to understand that little unintended problems will always keep coming in your way, so will little unintended benefits. Nobody complains about those benefits right? So you just gotta deal with it unfortunately since complaining about such little things won't fix them.

PS: You did get pretty high fsp in those battles so it's actually not that bad is it? Besides, really how common is it to get a lower fsl hk to assist? Sounds too specific to be happening in majority of your games, if it is happening then you are just unlucky dude. Anyway, gl in hunts! ^^
Check, How annoying to play this way:

(Battle lost because of this kind of annoying AI)

Target only one side and ignoring another side!!!!
But no basically it's common sense, they don't wanna be in range of attack of both players, it's better to take down one enemy at a time. The enemy is chosen simply based on who poses the greatest threat as everyone explained.

I know very well about such ideas!! targeting high power to win the battles (AI working on)

But, In turn based games such AI should be annoying only. There must be certain set of limit for such AI. If its Real time game then all those Smart AI ideas are acceptable without a doubt!!
If game ex[ect to play such high level smart AI then they have increase wages and hunt rewards for players to use better artifacts,

As a casual play with low AP or Low level art sets such idea is not give good enough result for players. only loose money in hunts rather earn some gold from hunt. After wages, Hunt is the only source for players to earn gold casualy.

If they restrict that then they must increase wages!!!

Otherwise its unfair way of treating players only!!!
Check, How annoying to play this way:

(Battle lost because of this kind of annoying AI)

This time you both had same FSL. This battle isn't an example to prove the point of this thread at all.

But, In turn based games such AI should be annoying only.
Why? Shouldn't people be upgrading their game instead of hoping AI to get back to how stupid it was 2 years ago?
But, In turn based games such AI should be annoying only. There must be certain set of limit for such AI. If its Real time game then all those Smart AI ideas are acceptable without a doubt!!

Well, it's the other way round.

Real time AI is stupid because it is forced to think in little time. Turn based AI has comparatively much more time to think every move and overall calculations are easier (there are very few tiles to think where to move and you can easily predict if each tile will allow ennemy to threaten you or not).

Similarly the player has more time to think, each move can be made being fully aware of its consequences rather than being forced to take lots of decisions in a short span like in real time strategy. There making quick decisions is as important as making good decisions.
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