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AuthorCaravan / Player only ambush
since catching player is so rare, I tend to afk.

how about implement a caravan only ambush? or even better, player only ambush?
please, new ones, THINK before suggesting something. or simply open a post at questions section like "how about etc etc".

if player only ambush, then you would have to wait like 30 mins for ambush happen, especially at higher levels where player count is considerably less.

if only caravan ambush, what would rangers do ? they get their RG points not just by getting a ranger quest ( taken from capitol ) . they get RG points if they get caught and beat thiefs as well ( most of the points they earn)

also, catching humans is good for thiefs ( if they can win) because pays better gold and fsp ;)

woah, calm down, doesn't need to be so patronizing.

My main objective is to entail 2 button caravan only (PVE) and player only (PVP)

There's a certain road that I have been ambushing all the time but never met any player. and there is a known road that is a player hotspot (i.e East River <-> Capital)

if certain thief want to have much more chance to PVP, he would pick the road, but still unlikely to get player anyway.
if certain thief DON'T want to meet any player, due to reason PVE has not timer or anything else, he will ambush on 'empty' road.

My suggestion resolve on why we should give up to 'luck' on the major difference in feature? in this case PVP vs PVE, timer vs no-timer, for a paid feature at that.

> if player only ambush, then you would have to wait like 30 mins for ambush happen, especially at higher levels where player count is considerably less.
if the road so empty, maybe the thief can consider ambush caravan for now?

> if only caravan ambush, what would rangers do ? they get their RG points not just by getting a ranger quest ( taken from capitol ) . they get RG points if they get caught and beat thiefs as well ( most of the points they earn)
they can ambush the player that want to PVP.

I would even suggest that we have a checkbox so the thief can put on either or?

why is this a concern? Because I suppose I don't want to trouble / waste random people time or even my own arts if I was afk when I 'accidentally' ambushed a player. I also don't want to get fined if the player frustrated enough to report.

up until now, I found 0 players on the road that I ambush for PVE. I found 1 player on road to MG spot (by accident), luckily I was not afk albeit losing the fight.
sorry for double post:

a notable mention is that for PVE choice, it can be executed in an instant like how 'Contest Site' works, doesn't need the wait time.
Well if this happens, I'd be doing only PvP TG battles, which means easy win easy fsp easy guild points, while no annoying losses.
Which infact, will make PvE TG a dead guild, hence I don't see it ever happening.
if player only ambush, then you would have to wait like 30 mins for ambush happen, especially at higher levels where player count is considerably less.

I'm pretty sure that we get AI ambush when players travel. So the actual chance to ambush a player is much lower than 100%. This is also why sometimes you wait forever to get a caravan, because nobody is traveling at the moment.
I'm pretty sure that we get AI ambush when players travel.

if not changed, PvE ambush triggered by +/- 1 level walking on thiefs ambush route. still it was a HUGE trouble at low online hours for ANY ambush happen when we were at .com. slightly better after merge.

many times suggested that after a fixed time of wait ( to catch a PvP) better have a caravan even if no one walks on ambush path. admins never agreed but made sure paired ambush works in that way. in other words, what Papa suggests at #4 is already done ;)

woah, calm down, doesn't need to be so patronizing.

that was calm me.

Ive seen a million STUPID suggestions coming from quite new players who knows little to nothing about how game works. hence I have low tolerance to such :p
although your suggestion is not stupid, still written hastly.
you are in a good military clan with an active skype chat, many experienced players in it. better discuss your ideas with them, then post. Im not saying new ones should ever talk/share their ideas, since fresh ideas are most likely to come from them.
sadly, thats a 1 in a 1000 case. 999 times they post already discussed / solved / never to be implemented topics, drowning that 1 fresh topic :D
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