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AuthorAn Item/Weapon that decreases hero initiative
So there are times where going last with hero has its advantages. Phantom is a very situational spell in PvP anyway, but if u play against any faction with 1 base Kn, if you are going first it becomes completely moot. I can think of other more situational circumstances where going last with hero to reply to his actions can be useful too (Dispel against Holy Builds, Stun a unit who got inspired, lessoned).

I know impact would probably be minimal but opening the option in itself I think could be good. Something like decreasing ini by 5% (so base becomes 9.5) could do the trick, art could have some better stats to compensate, or maybe not.
Highlighting the 'More options/Diversity' into the game, when it comes to items.

Also, would make Phantom 'Playable' I suppose? (I mean outside HG, obviously).
No one really carries it to serious PvP (CG) right now, since Hero position is randomized, when all have '10' Ini.

Many players are supporting the 'More choices please' in items, interesting.
If you say we need it , we do need then! I cant see any reason why this is bad idea.
If you say we need it , we do need then!
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