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AuthorToo many images for enroll captcha verfication!!
For each enroll asked for about 10 image verification. Is that really necessary. Thats damn annoying!!
Actually, it asks just 1, it just repeats if you fail it ^^
cant say, ive never seen the image verification.

but ive heard that many find the audio verification to be easier
It's really annoying, because the images tend to be very ambiguous. Cars? Is that a tiny car I'm seeing in the distance? Street signs? That looks like some kind of sign. Store fronts? That's the front of something; is it a store? Traffic signals? Do I include the post that the signal is installed on? Hill or mountain? That road looks pretty steep; are we on a hill?

Just cut this crap already.
Can't say I've had 10 before.. maybe you just got it wrong over and over again?
Actually i have this issue only for last 3 or 4 days only. before, done with 1 image. Well, Is that really wrong marking just 4 image for chimney fire hydrants so on?. Might wrong in traffic lights or cross.

I double checked many time and tried different marks also. like mark even minor image in adjacent pieces or skip!! But, In last 3 or 4 days never done with at least 3 image. all more than 3 images for each enroll!!
Yes, that's a really bad and ambiguous system, sometimes it works in the first few tries but sometimes it takes forever.
Can't say I've had 10 before.. maybe you just got it wrong over and over again?

No, Even after marked images properly, keeps going on!!

In between some images are so easy. Just 2 square to mark. Even after more mages pops!!
Even after more images pops!!
you need to act less like a bot :p

joking aside, i doubt they will remove it. it's necessary to filter out the bots.
it's necessary to filter out the bots.

What's the purpose of the "I'm not a bot" box then? :p
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Ideas and suggestions".
LOL, its not a idea !!

Its problem going on!! :D (for about 3 or 4 days only)

I was not meant that why image verification is added in game?!!

I meant only why too many images for each verification?!!

LOL what the hell?!! so weird!!
better have some sense. Topic suppose to move to particular section only based on post owners comments only. I seen this kind weird mistake many times.

Even if someone apart from post owner comment something like then the topic moved to such section only :D
I thought you were suggesting that something was done about it, it didn't come to me that you just wanted to whine. My bad
closed by Lord Syrian (2018-10-23 15:13:43)
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