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AuthorCG Update
* i would suggest no bigger then 2 level gap in battle, because high levels can easy farm CG points by destroying small levels , its unfair to lower levels .
*in perfect scenario battles only with same level players .
mixed CG is an abomination. no matter what make up you apply onto that, still cant make it beautiful.

what we need is a system where all SAME level 2 vs 2, preferably with MC filter option, so friends from same MC can play together ( random teams ofcourse )

I laugh admins recent attempts to re-vitalise PvP since they murdered it with their choices in last 5+ years ;)
And half CG xp gain again? :D
it obiously would be nice if they somehow make matchmaking better.
Agree matchmaking could be better.

As it is, it kinda of forces low levels to go some type of support, as if you get to go against higher levels you are literally useless damage-wise with the troops most of time.

I'd say the bigger problem is at night tho, with fewer player pool to chose from, strange teams happen often. I find matches are way more even when there is a lot of people in queue.

So maybe it's just a matter of making more people play PvP, which seems the direction admins want to take with recent updates.
Basicly you can't play factions without magic, because you never know what level you will be facing.
so friends can play together ( random teams ofcourse )
This is one of the main reasons, why many dont play CG.
If you go with a preset teammate, you are pushed into 2vs3 most of the times, from what I've experienced (IIRC).
for Ipsen:
so you want to have 2 guys who have alined their tactics face 2 random guys who will be in big disadvantage.
Just like it is in paired tournament
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