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AuthorNew event Grinch hunting
Wow, 150 diamonds for the snow wolves, maybe the guild is getting closer to pay-to-win
I would definitely say it's pay to win now if the only people (or large majority) of people who passed level 50 only managed it because of the wolves / rare troops from donation.
Well it's obviously a money grab, 756k for those yellow creatures is a joke. However of course some people will buy that joke, for example angel99.

Either give the game a ton of money or join one of the top mc's, no other way to be strong in lg. And buy strong I mean having at least one yellow creature.
Or get to a really high LeG level, which isn't possible right now since it hasn't been out for that long. But just wait a few years...
buy strong

On another note, I think the guild itself feels somewhat lazy, I mean it could be way more interesting even without this money-baiting, but even if I had ten epic creatures I wouldn't find lg enjoyable. I guess it's only people who like collecting, like those card games from 20 years ago.
for Another Player:
Of course the definition of strong will change over time, by the time an average player gets an epic creature all of the top lg players will have legendary creatures. And once legendaries are common admins might cook up something bigger for money-grabbing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against admins making money from the game at all, I just don't like lg right now because it feels like it's nothing more than a money-grab.
i rest my case
They really fooled everyone big time with this tiny innocent guild.
hmmm lv 41 has opened shall we try or will it suck your gold dry ?
41 was easir than 40

45 is a ice dragon noooooooooooooooooo
lv 50 gives 3 diamonds but a heavy battle awaits :)
damm took some time but all 50 done
50 was easier than 40 :)

47 was hard disapointing no creature reward
brutes and zombies will get the job done

brutes and zombies will get the job done

Nice battle , wouldnt come up with brutes tbh.

Congratz on recent level up as well :P
Are thanks Issy brutes and zombies did the trick for me as well
Looks like this event technically isn't pay-to-win then. (At least, any more so than getting FSP from chests is. :P)
well it is pay to win but i found a way around it dont worry the will reduce the army size and making sure this wont happen again for the next time :)
It's pay to win but if you don't pay you can win?
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