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Author[2019.01.14] Day of Automation
Astrologers proclaim the Day of Automation! Only today:

  • You have 10 auto battles to use in any type of combat (the auto button appears after you place your troops).
  • Tried Autoing a WG Mission about Pirates, to see if my Character could win in Auto (Without me 'Guiding' him), just out of curiosity.
    And he did win somehow, wow.
    For Ipsen:
    1,2 or 3 star win?
    Btw tip for this day - wear mirror, do MG quests in 1 click (autobattle), return to MG are after you win instantly and your mirror doesn't lose dura (in 10 battles) ;)
    Thanks for the tip, works nicely. Unfortunately I cannot remember how many I have used auto for!
    closed by Meshy (2019-01-15 00:00:04)
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