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AuthorStatistics for TG Top Players
We have stats for Top Hunters and Top Mercenaries, why not have something similar for the Thieves Guild? It could perhaps only be visible to players TG3 and above.

I for one would love to see some epic TG battles fought by some of the best players in the game and possibly pick up a few tips and tricks along the way.
Topic moved from "Thieves' Guild forum" to "Ideas and suggestions".
+1 - I like the idea

However stats should be organized based on combat level of thiefs.
i.e. a new thief of CL8-9 won't have much use of viewing high CL battles...

Thief guild level requires first of all time (meaning lots of trials needed to proceed) another stat could be the win/loss rate containing also important information

Beside it could show also used faction of thiefs (giving information which faction
might me more useful)
I don't think it's in the Empire's best interest to glorify thieves.
But it could be done covertly, by the thief guild leader. So +1.
I don't think it's in the Empire's best interest to glorify thieves.
But it could be done covertly, by the thief guild leader. So +1.
I don't think it's in the Empire's best interest to glorify thieves.
But it could be done covertly, by the thief guild leader. So +1.
for The One Ring:
you can join for 80 diamonds
so it indeed is in those interests
i just wonder how would you rate top TG
Could make it into an interesting feature linked with rangers guild.

Weekly/monthly/quarterly report of current thieving activity - total robberies, those successful and not.
Then a most wanted list by combat level for total thief victories.

Ideally could link to an extra gold reward for beating those thieves on a rangers guild battle, just a nominal fee that rolls over until they are beaten once and then resets.
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