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Author[2019.05.29] Day of Level 3 Creatures
Astrologers proclaim the Day of Level 3 Creatures! Only today:

  • In all duels, group battles and Commanders' Guild battles, all level 3 creatures get +10 attack, +10 defence, +1 initiative, and +1 speed.
  • Swordsman
    Elf bows
    this is cool
    I believe for tamer it also improved beholders
    I believe for tamer it also improved beholders

    My shadow eyes did not get plus 1 to speed.

    With innate swiftness and today's bonus they should have had 8 speed but they only had 7.

    So i don't think tamer's summoned creatures get the bonus:(
    That's probably a bug (init bonus doesn't stack with talent), because they do seem to gain the attack and defense bonuses.
    Actually, the numbers don't seem to add up for me. It has 47 attack. Hero's is 24. +6 from being enraged. +1 from clan building. That leaves +16 unaccounted for. Its natural attack isn't 16, is it? What am I missing?
    the numbers don't seem to add up for me
    This because of my faction skill bonuses but there is discrepancy in that too

    As a Faction level 10 dark elf, My troops should get an additional 8 attack.This is true for my main troops.

    Eg: for Mino gladiators the split up was:

    24 (hero attack) + 8 (faction skill level bonus) + 6 (its base attack) + 1 (clan bonus)
    because of today's bonus it became 49.

    However the same is not true for summoned creatures

    for spiders, it should be 24+8+5+1 = 38 (but it showed 37)
    for shadow eyes it should have been 24+8+9+1+6(rage ability)= 48 (it showed 47)

    So from this we can conclude that shadow eyes didn't receive today's buff
    and the summoned creatures don't get all the faction skill bonuses (its weird that they get the initiative bonuses fully but not attack and defense)
    i always tought evil eyes are tier4 and trolls are tier6
    Spiders got the buff last time around
    i always tought evil eyes are tier4 and trolls are tier6

    I concluded the same thing. There's no way trolls are tier 4. I think harpies are tier 3. Did anyone try to summon harpies today?
    closed by Meshy (2019-05-30 00:19:08)
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