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I'm guessing there will be ~35 tourny matches triggered today.
Will be an interesting way to judge how many active players there are if bots arent used too
The prize pool has increased!?

It was 1,200,000 earlier.
Now it's "Prize value: 1,228,800 for 256 heroes"
probably rounded up some of the rewards from earlier rounds.
round 1: 1200 gold and 1 LeG point
I lost all 3 :(
I am not able to change troops, are you guys able to?
All 3 won :) 1200 gold
I can't change troops either.
There are 31 tournys parallely.
https://www.lordswm.com/leader_tour_hist.php?id=31 being the last

I don't see any bots though. I find it very hard to believe that number of participants was an exact multiple of 256.
Maybe some players were not admitted because the last group of 256 was not filled?
400 gold per win in round 1 and 1 LeG point... not bad.
Can change troops
Yes, looks like the problem has been fixed.
Next round begins at 11:00. You can change troops from 10:10 till 10:55
It was more like 10:20 or 10:25.
I came up against bot, lost 2-1 though :( interestingly you can view other combats so if your next opponent is offline you can counter their last round build?
Yes, this tournament is about strategy and bluff

and ofcourse LeG troops :D
so if your next opponent is offline you can counter their last round build?
You're supposed to be doing this :p
Im just going with same stuff
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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