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Author[2019.07.17] Day of Dwarves
Astrologers proclaim the Day of Dwarves! Only today:

  • Lords and Ladies of this faction earn +20% faction skill points in all battles.
  • Lords and Ladies of this faction enjoy the effect of the Potion of Skill in all battles.
  • All players are much more likely to encounter this faction's creatures in Hunters' Guild, Thieves' Guils and Mercenaries' Guild battles.
  • Speaking of day of the dwarves how long do we have to wait for the alt to come out?
    Speaking of day of the dwarves how long do we have to wait for the alt to come out?

    How long is a piece of string?
    How long is a piece of string?
    Twice the length of the middle to the end
    for Albriech:2030

    Not sure how soon it will be.
    The alt dwarf armies are currently fighting Tolgar's evil cousin, Folgar, in a far off land. Source of conflict unknown. They're currently unavailable for dwarf heroes but they will be back once they are victorious!

    ... At least, that's what I hear in the Tavern.
    closed by Meshy (2019-07-18 00:01:45)
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