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Author[2019.11.05] Day of the Falcon
Astrologers proclaim the Day of the Falcon! Only today:

  • Double the usual Hunters' Guild points are earned for defeating flying creatures.
  • Flying creatures guard +30% gold in hunts.
  • The group of flying creatures you come across may be half the expected number.
  • 1/2hunts are nice.
    Nice but hard to get, most days of this event I am not getting any 1/2 and I am checking about 10-15 times this day.
    it is one of those days that means that hunters guild stays alive, otherwise I would not hunt, thinking HG 10 is just too far away to ever get.

    With the added creatures, bonus amounts of HG points and the chance of getting half value hunts (and therefore free HG points without increasing the top level of difficulty) then eventually I will get HG 10. Even if it is not for another two years....!
    Im not rushing with HG. I know it will be hard later on. Rather just farm with days like this and events etc.
    it is one of those days that means that hunters guild stays alive, otherwise I would not hunt, thinking HG 10 is just too far away to ever get.
    HG just gets so hard lol without new creatures.
    I lost 2 of my 3 hunts today. Flyers in particular are just so much harder in general that this day is not very meaningful except for the newly added ones.
    closed by Meshy (2019-11-06 00:07:23)
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