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Authornot able to chat with anyone during battle
during group battle i am not able to interact with any players.
i type the message and when press enter , message disappear.
chat function is not working. please help
What were you trying to say? It seems to block certain words
sorry , for my English knowledge.
i wanted to say- when i play group battle, i am not able to communicate with any of player (in group Chat section) it is happening since one week.
whenever i type message and enter to send it, it automatically get disappear..

please help.
Can you give a combat link?
Hi, i'm also having the exact same problem. I have been playing CG this morning (duels and group battle) and have been unable to type in the box.

This is obviously quite a critical element of CG so interested to know if there is a fix

Here are some examples:

Group battle

In the duel with purplex, I tried to send a number of messages (he is a clan mate)

The battlechat shows that I didn't say anything

Unfortunately turns out this is a chrome only issue, can still use the chat on the backup microsoft edge browser (yuck)

Still looking for a fix on chrome
Are you guys playing on the flash or HTML5 version?
Flash, so sad for when it goes. html5 is grim
I’ve had the same problems on phone, I play from safari mainly

On the normal straight portrait mode it doesn’t work but sometimes when I switch to landscape mode it works
Have chrome also and not able to chat in battle.
same issue.

using chrome, flash player only.
fixed today, it seems.
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