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AuthorCrusade - New Event
So who gets the top durability art?
So who gets the top durability art?

All those who clear level 30
There will be a lot of clans who have 100 people who get to the highest level of the event each day. I Would anticipate this happening up until level 30. As such there will be minimal differentiation between clans at this stage, with some aspects being suggestive based upon the speed (and therefore implied ease) with which they did it (go AK!).

Once we get past this, the differentiation comes down to how good the top 100 people in your clan is. This will depend upon depth of pockets and inclination to keep doing harder fights as much as anything else, though since this is across 100 people there is a depth to this that is needed.

It will certainly work. There will be a clarification as to who is first second and third (unless clans agree rather than fight it out to set a truce at the same points, though much trust will be needed for this to work , as one last minute fight of one individual would switch it all around).

However, whether this differentiation, which will increasingly have a gold element, and therefore bring in more of a pay to win feature, is a good thing remains to be seen. We will not know this for at least another 3 days.
unless clans agree rather than fight it out to set a truce at the same points, though much trust will be needed for this to work , as one last minute fight of one individual would switch it all around

This shit should be banned. Or systems implemented that if 3 clans land on first place in event like this all 3 clans get 3rd place rewards. Otherwise it getting ridicilous.
Why would the system being gamed bother you in an actual game.
Once we get past this, the differentiation comes down to how good the top 100 people in your clan is. This will depend upon depth of pockets and inclination to keep doing harder fights as much as anything else, though since this is across 100 people there is a depth to this that is needed.

We don't yet know how they will balance the enchanted fights.

The admins have a choice on whether to balance the Harder fights using
1] Enchanted Shop arts
2] Non-Imperial Enchanted Faction Sets
3] Imperial/Dark Enchanted sets.

If it's the first, then will be a major gold drain in using enchanted faction sets. This would be sad, but acceptable.
If it's the second, then I'm simply out of the fight. It'll come down to which clan as more enchanted Imperial sets and nothing else.
I'm Hoping it's the third, which is the only option where I can fight the normal battles in my Shop gear, and still do well.
But It'll probably be the second, to reward Imperial set owners :(
for ProZyk: Thus far I believe I have only seen two sets of equipment variations. Either just shop arts, or anything goes.

I think as far as a fair differentiation goes withi minimal bias to p2w, it should be in normal shop arts only, though suspect it will not be this.
Thus far I believe I have only seen two sets of equipment variations. Either just shop arts, or anything goes.

Ideally, to avoid any p2w, the balance should be such that normal fight with shop arts == hard fight with enchanted imperial arts with regards to difficulty.
But that has not been the case so far.
In fact, for previous events, doing the hard fight with Enchanted faction set was significantly easier than doing the normal fight with shop arts.
It didn't matter earlier since you could clear all waves with shop if you repeated some battles or just played very smartly. But now it's competitive and so normal fights may no longer be an option beyond 30.
Are armaments given only to units which have been bought/unlocked? After 12 armament fights all have been to tier 1-3 which are unblocked.

I might end the event at about 15 point. I wonder if this is even worth it to buy tier 4 upward, maybe tier 1-3 will be enough considering that all are upgraded, all units bought and with those armaments. I just wait until midnight to buy more.
It's fixed. No matter what is blocked/unblocked, you receive armament of the creature you fight.
Since the enemy is fixed, armament also is fixed.
for Dark-Ninja_lord:
easy quick main battles for today for cl 15
Seraphs are too expensive
29k silver to unlock, 16.8k to upgrade and 8.5k silver per seraph.
Beginning to question if they are even required to be unlocked for day 4
If it’s any consolation, just got my first celestial
Any battle example with celestials..main levels were easy.. so I guess will wait for tomorrow to see if it is required
Ok I just need to put it out there, this event is fun. Like legit fun, be it the troops or the way it is layered with 4 battle types. Good job admins!
Also the decrease in max battles from 50 to 30 (From the pharaoh event) is the best!
for Void_Moon:
Unlimited battles for main lvl :p
Unlimited battles for main lvl :p
Yea but at least you hit a cap of support battles. So either you hit the dead wall or run through.

So you have saved yourself from the pain of farming.
Unlimited battles for main lvl :p
Yeah, but I only want the max durability artifact :P
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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