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As soon as the last units of underground savages had fallen, the mysterious, unintelligible whisper from the darkness suddenly ceased. Or the mind has already completely ceased to distinguish between the touch of its deathly cold and its own thoughts. It was time to finally leave this cursed place and bring all the rescued prisoners back to the surface. This time there were much fewer of them than before, which could give rise to illusions, it says, the final victory on this dark front is already close. But something still told the Empires’ Lords and Ladies that this was far from the end - and the savior was still waiting somewhere deeper in the darkness.

Lords and Ladies, the forces of underground savages in the explored territory are completely defeated - and this stage of the rescue operation is over. Thousands of released prisoners express their immense gratitude to their saviors! And let the heroic deed done there below remain in the shadow of history, the Empire remembers the names of its Lords and Ladies and is ready to mark each of them, who won at least 10 battles, with a well-deserved reward and trophy artifact. The durability of the artifact depends on the total strength of the army:


All Lords/Ladies who have gained an army of total strength of atleast 300, were rewarded with 1 to 30 parts of the Heaven staff. The number of parts depends on the total strength of the entire army.

All Lords and Ladies who have won at least one victory, can get a reward for participation in gold! The reward depends on the number of victories, the strength of the final army and the combat level of the Lord/Lady. Gold is given out on the event page of underground caves.

Best Lords/ Ladies:

1.#104Diospyros [17]8,336
2.#928Архилич [17]8,234
3.#928Cid Kampeador [15]7,830
4.Gortaur [21]7,624
5.#928asariec [16]7,579
6.#1519Orkan [18]7,554
7.#928Глашка [20]7,402
8.#1519Кожаное_лицо [21]7,362
9.#276Igor-dmitriev [19]7,321
10.#7490latviesu lords [15]7,294
11.#928a_yakovin [14]7,272
12.#2517мне тупо свезло [17]7,183
13.#1209z_j_cd [18]7,164
14.#928Binder [19]7,084
15.#823_Дампир_ [18]7,008
16.#928Махатма [16]6,981
17.Бурручага [15]6,920
18.#41Александр - [10]6,910
19.#104Гроза_ГВД [17]6,906
20.#7777Paradox-x-x [23]6,887
21.#18Lord_Markovnik [14]6,863
22.#276Uncle Psycho [13]6,853
23.#928ReZero [17]6,832
24.#7490Lord Bobina [16]6,774
25.#14Чернов_Саша [21]6,738
26.buldog-grisha [14]6,728
27.#1519M-25 [21]6,698
28.Фырф [15]6,675
29.#17Рюк [21]6,660
30.11SERGEY [10]6,644
31.#104Н_е_ф_и_л_и_М [21]6,642
32.#104Хаарт Лорд [15]6,622
33.#1597_Hervind_ [14]6,603
34.#1519Striker [23]6,598
35.#104xxTitanxx [22]6,580
36.#104Тер-Т [19]6,564
37.#928Stepnoy_Stepan [17]6,522
38.#1209ProZyk [17]6,504
39.#1519linkin_fun [13]6,499
40.#493yakman [15]6,483
41.#302Главный скелет [19]6,478
42.#1209Lord Ragnaros [18]6,463
43.#17Samec [23]6,457
44.#1209--NERE-- [16]6,456
45.#1519El_Terrible [21]6,449
46.#1512Dimakkk [21]6,429
47.#104arantir969 [20]6,426
48.#1047zheludkov [19]6,397
49.#7490krovak [17]6,378
50.#104WAREM [20]6,318
51.#1519GRIZZLY777 [21]6,318
52.#104Сибиряк78 [22]6,302
53.#928Kurda [17]6,299
54.#2517lifesamm [21]6,295
55.#1597Icarium [19]6,274
56.#928Avaro [18]6,236
57.#276Victorius07 [17]6,228
58.#1488msa_prince [20]6,215
59.#1519KuBBy [17]6,210
60.#928Гармингольд [15]6,198
61.#928Wild Death [15]6,190
62.#18darleg [17]6,164
63.#7490Ignis aurum probat [12]6,147
64.#2517_Mad [21]6,147
65.#928IGOR_HUNTER [19]6,140
66.#302Растищка [15]6,134
67.#1519шарий [18]6,114
68.#928Нириус [19]6,112
69.#104Thraex [21]6,107
70.#928Теллус [19]6,102
71.#1209Night King [19]6,094
72.#73ROFLER_322 [16]6,080
73.Mink [9]6,073
74.#823Flagen [20]6,071
75.#928Темный бегун [21]6,054
76.#1519Super_Ukraine [22]6,044
77.#88lje [16]6,041
78.#928Котлован [17]6,036
79.#7777mahagor [17]6,008
80.#104RW_Alex [23]6,007
81.#7490-Cip- [17]5,988
82.#1209Satis [15]5,969
83.#88Lokosios [21]5,965
84.#1209Nowar [19]5,956
85.#1519Менталистик [17]5,934
86.Трансерфер [15]5,919
87.#7777Любовод [18]5,917
88.#1209Dertik [21]5,911
89.#1519ninjagomaster [19]5,905
90.#928luciifer [11]5,902
91.#18Bohdan10 [20]5,898
92.#104ZandragaD [15]5,891
93.#73GOODZINI [9]5,887
94.#276EVSey [22]5,878
95.#2304Варвар_степи [18]5,870
96.-матрос- [18]5,868
97.#104Nadya2229 [20]5,863
98.#104FYLHTQPEQ [18]5,851
99.#104Владимир [22]5,844
100.#928Gott AusserKontrol [21]5,832

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