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Author14th Aniversary! [correct]
14th Anniversary!

Dear Lords and Ladies! Another year of glorious events has passed – and now, our game is already celebrating its 14th Anniversary! A very ambiguous and mysterious age, which is both colossally large and negligibly small. A huge path has already been passed and countless feats have already been accomplished, but there are still many new heroic trials and amazing discoveries ahead of us in the vast expanses of our Empire and even beyond. This may not be the beginning, but it's far from the end – and our adventure continues!

We are grateful to all the players who have been with us for many years, and those who have joined us not so long ago, to everyone who helps to develop the project and makes it interesting with its presence. Thanks to ALL OF YOU, the Lords of War and Money is constantly improving and remains a great place to relax. Stay tuned for updates and stay with us - it will be interesting!

By tradition, the game gives presents on this festive day! And so, in honor of the holiday, from March 1 to March 5 inclusive:
1. Lords and Ladies of combat level 3 or above may claim one of five gifts (hurry to get it!):
- Faction skill points;
- Personalized gift artifact;
- A master hunter license for 60 days;
- Abu Bakr's charm for 30 days;
- Random rare stack for Leaders’ Guild (7,000 leadership).
The durability of the artifact and the amount of FSP directly depend on the number of days the Lord/ Lady has fought battles on;

2. Faction Skill points increased by 20%.
3. Bonus + 20% of donated diamonds.
4. Labour efficiency (including wages) increased by 20%.
5. Lords and Ladies of CL3 and above may claim a free set of warrior or magician shop artifacts for their level, for up to 30 combats and 14 days.
6. "Automatic combat" button for your maximum rest and comfort in all battles except for a Tactics guild (visible after troops’ placing in the lower right corner of the battle).
7. Quests for the Hunters’, Mercenaries’ , Thieves’ , Rangers’ Guilds 14 times more often.
8. Quests for the Watcher’s Guild increased by 2 times.
9. The reward for Leaders Guild quests is doubled.
10. New Leaders Guild quests appear 2 times faster.
11. The speed of health and mana recovery increased by 2 times.
12. Entry fees to all card tournaments are cancelled.
13. Entry fees to all quick tournaments 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 are cancelled.
14. Quick tournaments will start every 2 hours.
15. For Lords and Ladies of combat level 8 or above the maximum bet in roulette is increased by 3 times.
16. Free energy drink in the tavern.
17. Planned attacks on Survilurgs are cancelled.
18. The probability of getting a rare artifact in Chests of abundance is doubled!

And also several festive events are waiting for you!

All Lords and Ladies of combat level 3 can take part in the treasure hunt, and all Lords and Ladies of combat level 5 can take part in the new Hunting season.
Treasure hunt:

1) To participate in the search you must purchase a treasure map for 100 gold;
2) You can join the challenge up to 10 times a day, unused challenges stack up and may be used on later days;
3) Admitted ammunition: only shop artifacts are allowed, enchanted artifacts have no effect.
4) Duels – 1 Lord / Lady against 1 Guards;
5) Your victories can be rewarded by gold, creature armaments, rare artifacts with reduced durability, diamonds, chests of abundance, shop artifacts for your level;
6) For each victory, Lords and Ladies will receive one piece of a rare Heaven robe artifact;
7) The event will last 5 days until March 5th inclusive.

Also, the Hunters’ Guild announces the start of a new hunting season and invites all Empire’s hunters to take part in this glorious event!

However, before the start, the guild representatives recommend that everyone familiarize themselves with the general set of rules and pay special attention to the important competition conditions:
- All players of combat level 5 or above are invited.
- Allowed ammunition for the first three difficulty levels - only shop artifacts are allowed, and artifact enchantments have no effect;
- No restrictions on ammunition and enchantments for the 4th level of difficulty;
- Battles take place in the format of 1 Lord or Lady with his troops against the group of neutral troops;
- Spell damage racial bonuses for wizards do not apply in these hunts;
- The hunter is provided with a map with marked goals of varying difficulty. The goals are the same for all Lords and Ladies of the same combat level, faction and class;
- On day one, only 10 levels of difficulty are unlocked. 10 more levels will be unlocked every subsequent day. To be able to attack the next day's targets, all targets from the previous day need to be eliminated. There are 60 targets will be available in total;
- Victories grant points towards the Hunters’ Guild, as well as gold, creature armaments, and hunter artifacts;
- Choosing the higher difficulty yields higher rewards and provides more points for the Lord/Lady. Rewards from one target do not sum up. After completing easier choices, the reward for the higher ones will decrease;
- Important For all targets, the 4th difficulty level has been added, intended for conducting battles in any artifacts without restriction on enchantments. The number of points for this difficulty level does not differ from the number of points for the 3rd difficulty level; If you defeat the 3rd level of difficulty, then the 4th will be unavailable and vice versa.
- The hunting season will last only 10 days, until March 10 inclusive;
- If you win 50 hunts, you will receive a 15-day version of Abu Bakir’s Charm;

Personal successes of each Lord or Lady will be additionally rewarded with parts of the Heaven robe:
For 10 points: +1 part;
For 20 points: +2 parts;
For 30 points: +4 parts;
For 40 points: +5 parts;
For 50 points: +6 parts;
For 60 points: +8 parts;
For 80 points: +9 parts;

and parts of the Dark shield:
for 50 points: +20 parts;

All Lords and Ladies who are victorious at level 15 will receive a special achievement visible on their profile, and a trophy of the forest artifact, the durability of which depends on the points scored. There will be no additional rewards that are not mentioned in this news.

We wish you more victories and a pleasant rest! Hooray!!
closed by Beliar (2021-03-01 19:18:21)
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