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AuthorInconsistent Laborers' guild points in Public Character page vs Personal Page
First off, today I leveled up to 8 in LG points and am pretty excited and therefore I did track my LG points from a few days back up till leveling up. I'll jump right to the issue here.

LG level 7: 7999(+1)
After the enroll, it's supposed to be 8000.5*

Now checkout these 2 attached screenshots:
Personal page: https://prnt.sc/14kulny
Public page: https://prnt.sc/14kusy7

I'm not sure if this happens only during the level transitioning period(7->8), since I've just only noticed this minute change. Just felt like reporting this before sleep. Gn and hf!

*NOTE: I have ABC equipped.
Looks like it's just a temporary rounding done in the public UI during level transitioning. Nothing to be concerned about as the next LG points were added to the actual 8000.5 + 1.5 = 8002, so that works as expected.
closed by Meshy (2021-06-10 15:22:09)
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