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323 St lv 16

Author323 St lv 16
1. 39 cavalry/56 clerics/apparitions M(3300 hp/18 shadow dragons: resurect orb
2. 11 red dragons/ 171 ogres/ 283 bears/123 liz assailants: attack orb
3 868 ghosts/ same/ 243 high druids/same: rally orb=
4. 132 lorekeepers/586 venemous spiders/69 brilliant unicorns/ 229 minotaur soldiers; health orb
5. frenzied grif M(2602 hp)/ 328 beholders/ 13 infuriated behemoths/ 53 cyclops: resurect orb
6. mercenaries sorceror M(6324)/ 336 mercenary sorcerors rest:health orb
rally is 10 behemoths from top
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