Ever since rumours began to spread about the inferno armies seen on the distant borders of the Empire, many of the magical community began to look furtively at the court magician Abu-Bakir. Even some of his usually faithful assistants occasionally allowed themselves to admit suspicious thoughts. However, no one dared to demand an answer directly, and therefore the magician himself did not attach much importance to all this. Why waste time on empty excuses? After all, it is priceless. And with each subsequent experiment into the workings of the crystals of time, the magician understood this more and more. Better to spend his time looking for answers to all those questions, of which, unfortunately, there were still a lot.
Lords and Ladies, the court magician Abu-Bakir reports the opening of a new Portal of Time and encourages everyone to take part in an exciting journey back in time! Anyone from the 5th combat level can join the scientific expedition into the past in order to protect it from the aggression of local residents. The main thing is to remember that traveling to the past can have irreparable consequences in the present, try not to make mistakes!
Features of the Portal of Time:
1) Lords and Ladies of combat level 5 or above are allowed to participate. Only shop artifacts are allowed; enchantments have no effect;
2) Character talents, faction skills and unique racial abilities have no effect, and neither can you take your army into the battle nor cast spells;
3) You can only recruit creatures into battle using crystals of time. A minimum of 250 crystals is required for access to the portal and will be issued to everyone wishing to attend;
4) Creatures in the army can be combined in any way and they can belong to one or more factions. Their availability is defined by having enough crystals of time to recruit them;
5) When recruiting creatures of different factions, morale is decreased. However, building the "Hall of Unity" prevents any decrease in morale when recruiting creatures across factions;
6) To cast magical spells, you need to unlock the appropriate magic guild. All spells from each magic school are unlocked at expert level.
Combat briefing and mission of the expedition:
1) The battles with the Sentinels of the Past will take place in the format 2 vs 2;
2) For every win you can earn creature armaments, Mercenary’s Guild elements (for every fourth win, if the enemy is above the 30th difficulty level), artifacts with reduced durability along with a number of Crystals of Time;
3) The number of crystals received depends on the difficulty level of the battle. Initially, five difficulty levels are available: from 1 to 5 - you can start from any. When passing the 5th level, the next 5 difficulty levels will open up to the 10th inclusive. When passing the 10th - 5 more up to the 15th inclusive, etc;
4) During your journey through the Portal of Time, you can win no more than 3 battles at one level;
5) For each win, Lords and Ladies will receive 1 Hunter’s Guild point;
6) The advantageous location of the stars in the sky suggest the Portal will last only 6 days +3 days for finishing battles until November 17 inclusive;
7) Abu-Bakir guarantees safe return from the Past for all Lords and Ladies, but limits the number of wins to 8 per day (max 12 attempts per day). Unused wins and attempts accumulate, maximum number of attempts are 72, maximum number of wins are 48;
8) The Empire will generously reward the Lords and Ladies who have collected the greatest number of crystals.
And in order to emphasise the special importance of this expedition, the personal successes of each Lord or Lady will further be encouraged by the rewarding of parts of a special artifacts: Heaven dagger and Dark dagger:
For win on the 10th level of difficulty: +2 parts;
For win on the 20th level of difficulty: +3 parts;
For win on the 30th level of difficulty: +4 parts;
For win on the 40th level of difficulty: +5 parts;
For win on the 50th level of difficulty: +6 parts
In addition, up to 15 parts of the Heaven dagger will be rewarded, according to the results, taking into account the personal contribution of each Lord or Lady to the success of the expedition.
If you can collect 100 parts of the artifact, you will be granted from the fragments, a fully-fledged artifact. This artifact cannot be transferred for use or rent, but it can be transferred for repairing or enchanting.

Successful military clans and their distinguished Lords and Ladies will be especially well rewarded. The rewarding will be based on the final clan rating, where the final result will be the sum of crystals obtained in any battles (whether it was a battle with clan mate or not) by the best 100 Lords and Ladies of the clan;
- The reward will be received by all unblocked Lords and Ladies of successful military clans, if they brought the clan at least 400 points!
- If the Lord or Lady leaves / is excluded from the military clan, then the clan loses all the points accumulated by the Lord or Lady for the clan. If the Lord or Lady joins any clan, then the points scored outside this clan are not transferred to its rating;
- Leaving the clan on the last day of the event will be prohibited;
- Invitations to the military clans during the event is limited by three Lord/ Lady per day;
Reward for active Lords and Ladies of leading military clans:
Clan Rank | Reward | Battle glory | 1 | | 1,500 | 2 | | 1,300 | 3 | | 1,100 | 4 | | 1,000 | 5 - 8 | | 900 | 9 - 13 | | 800 | 14 - 20 | | 600 | 21 - 30 | | 500 | 31 - 45 | | 400 | 46 - 60 | | 250 | 61 - 75 | | 100 |
Personal reward for 5,500 best Lords and Ladies according to the results of the event:
Lord/Lady Rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
Distribute the Crystals of Time »»»
Apply for a trip to the past »»»
We wish you successful battles with the Sentinels of the past! |