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I loaned 30.000 on 14.09.2022 to the now-blocked player KARALIENIEEE on the terms of repayment the following day, 15.09.2022 for the total sum of 45.000. Since the player is now blocked for communication abuse, I wanted to ask how do I proceed in reclaiming the loan. The transfer was marked as a loan in its description and I can provide the private mail where that was agreed to as necessary.
for Salazar Mekrel:
You are not getting your gold back. That's the risk of lending gold.
I see. I thought I should post here since I saw a thread from back in May that ended with a loan of 180k that was not repaid in time be enforced. Could you clarify what the difference is between that case and this one, please and thanks?
for Salazar Mekrel:
It wasn't enforced. The player himself decided to payback the loan. In your case, the player is banned. So, you will have to incur the loss.
To add to this, General Rule 3.14 states that -The maximum term for loans is 1 month, unless the comments to the transfers state a shorter period.-. If there is a maximum term for loaning, there must also be a way to enforce them, else the term does not make sense.
for Salazar Mekrel:
Only thing that can be enforced is a hefty fine to the accused player. Nothing more will be done.

Remember,if you give out loan it is at your own risk. If the player leaves the game or is banned then your gold is lost. Nothing can be done about it.
I understand. A rule about this could be useful, since if I knew this from the About The Game - General Rules section I wouldn t have lended to begin with. I was under the impression there were protections in place against abusers. My bad, have a good day.
for Salazar Mekrel:
You can suggest it in the "Ideas and Suggestion" section of the forum.
Very well. Thanks for your responses
Above is unfortunately correct.. Be aware of giving loans to players you do not know or players that roulette!
closed by Arcanide (2022-09-16 20:55:34)
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