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Single portal of Grind


AuthorSingle portal of Grind
Hooray for the 'new' event...........

I wonder how this event, the single most grinding event I think there's is will be interpreted with clan aspects. Will there be the same competition for the top, or will the many many hundreds of battles and searches needed for said top mean less expectations are applied?

Time will tell,
At least battle for essence are free limit. We can use cheap item and win
What are battles for essences?
U have to search its workiny facility and fight the creatures to get their essence
Will there be the same competition for the top,

Does anyone know whether you can take two different versions of the same creature?

Where I am going with this is that with moon priestesses, if you could take the sun and moon variants to get the buff, they be a good mix for the resurrection spell.
I have been away from the game for ages... anyone can (in short) explain the steps I should take to participate in event? It seems that:
1, I can find which facility gives which essence on the forum (.ru). Do I have to attach the facility multiple times to get the monster?
2, is there any recommended army to use?
3, will I waste my gold if I go full AP?
4, I understand I need to recruit some monsters first, then I can fight with them in portal. Correct?
For overclocker:
1. You can search in each facility, all of them contain monsters, randomly I suppose. I noticed you can unlock base creatures (not upgraded) with 1 attack, but you can attack at least up to 3 times the same monster in different facilities to get upgrades.
2. I am using T1 and T2 creatures as they have high stacks at the moment and it makes sense to have high stacks.
3. Not necessarily, you could maybe do with less than full AP in the first few fights, although gold in not rewarded after the fight as far as I understand, maybe in the end all at once.
4. Yes, you have to unlock them from the facilities first, to be able to use them in the event.
Can anybody post a link to forum (.ru)?

stolen from "Another Player" in the thread below :)
I found this spreadsheet in the .ru forum. It is a bit hard to use with mobile, but if playing from PC, you can find the Russian name of the creature you are looking for and find it in the document using Ctrl + F (make sure to match entire cell content, otherwise it might find even creatures with partial names). Hope it helps.

anyone know how to translate the google spreadsheets?
anyone know how to translate the google spreadsheets?
Copy and paste into a translator.

Is it realistic to expect Google Spreadsheets to support Google Translate? That's asking too much. /s
for navimaf:
Open the sheet in Chrome mobile and click on translate from the Options. The most convenient imo.
Searching for units is close to impossible if you're only active during the early hours of the day. How annoying.
Any reason why many are obsessed with Magi?
through shot no range penalty. basically you are cheating extra damage with through shot for shooter builds. same as why dreadbanes are good. dealing damage to many units at once


When collecting for last form all suddenly became so strong. Min ap not enough anymore
Darn it. They take out the "Petrified blood" ability from the treefolk monster. This was the only brainless option I can handle :(

This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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