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New tribal path!


AuthorNew tribal path!
lol, guess April 1st arrived earlier?

Too bad that I don't have enough time to finish the event (3 main battles left :().
What I like about these events is that since you get your gold up front, if you know you do not have the time to finish, there is not the disincentive that you will not get a decent gold award. With many events the score is non linear, such that if you get half way through you get probably more like a quarter of the score, and so a quarter of the gold reward.

In this event I only could afford to do battles yesterday, knowing full well I wouldn't finish however still came out in comfortable profit.

This is a far cry from events of old where you got no guild progression and the gold reward was pretty variable and something you had no idea about till the end.

Whilst not a huge thing it is nice to reflect back on little bits of progress and be thankful.

Though perhaps I'm just full of endorphins as a result of being ranked number 1.

Or maybe 9000........
For some reason I am unable to post item on market
Towards the end of the event the artifacts in the shop were quite impoverishingly depleted. I had to go into battle a couple times with an obsidian shield!
Towards the end of the event the artifacts in the shop were quite impoverishingly depleted.
Long time so see such a depletion. I had to send to smithers some of the usual shop arts instead of change them. But players average a 200+ battles for event, so... I guess the next event will be a LeG one.
Long event and fun, and made to progress as everyone wants. I've chosen to grind, thus my poor result at the end (5k+).

The art:
The fixed the bug.

Victories / Combats: 60 / 79
Total victories / combats: 204 / 237
Rating's scores: 53,873
Individual place: 3,445
nice item reward. can now cheese some levels in ffas with mask+soldiers luck for some factions with fear/blind.
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