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AuthorTournaments AI is so RNG and unfair
I reached the finals of the tournament to face a guy with budget arts no enchantments with two horrible AI teammates. This guys AI teamates had fully enchanted arts and 47/30 attack and armor with like 66% shield across the board how is this fair should i just enter tournments with budget arts and hot AI I get is Insanely beefed up https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1462531051
The pharoh AI on his team by it self had 19 modifications. Mine total had 4 together
What kind of tournament gabe?
Quick tournaments aren't meant to be fair. I would just ignore their existence tbh.
like he said a quick tournament i hate multiple enchantments on armor and weapons like 10 grand worth of arts rented and still lost
QT allow all gear so they likely have some faction sets on or even some imperials and it would be hard to beat if not only 1 opponent but 2 have it :D

What you had on I would consider budget arts for QT :)
okay but the other guy had 0 enchantments and cheap cheap arts on his AI had 19 almost maxed out enchantment 66% elemental shield and 22% elemental attack all of them and 47/30 attack and defense. My argument isnt i had the best gear in the game on my argument is that the AI is unbalanced and unfair. If your going to force player to play with AI in quick tournaments, why let one be maxed out fully enchanted while all the rest suck. he fought a guy with full set dungeon enchanted before that battle and beat him this guy has 10k worth of arts rented and lose to a guy in lower arts for his level all shop artifacts and that seems balanced to you??? guess ill start entering with bad arts and hope the game bless me with a maxed out ai why spend money on rented arts
one AI i had was 0 effects other is 3% shield on 3 elements. his has ignore elemental shield maxed out elemental damage all of them maxed out. elemental shield all of them maxed out. reduce mele an ranged maxed out.
for sirgabe:
thats just how quick tournament is. dont like it then either dont play or go in min gear and hope to get lucky
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