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Leader Guild challenge rewards not increased.

AuthorLeader Guild challenge rewards not increased.
Level 11 guild reward (210%): Around 500, 550 and 600

Level 12 guild reward (220%): same as level 11 guild or little less than level 11.

level 12 guild rewards suppose to be 10% higher than level 11 level
Leaders guild gives X points.

Level 11 gives 2.1X. Level 12 gives 2.2X.

Total increase is 2.2X/2.1X, which is just 4.76% higher going from 11 to 12, not 10%.
Total increase is 2.2X/2.1X, which is just 4.76% higher going from 11 to 12, not 10%.
(This calculation not mentioned Guild details)

Even for the 4.76%, The Gold reward seems to be not increased.

level 11, Reward 1.5LG and 600 Gold. For 4.76%, level 12 suppose to be 628.56 Gold.

But, maximimu Gold reward seen 623 till now.
(need to wait and check further more days)
Now Gold Reward got 634.
So, Its working at 4.76% increased rate.
closed by Swam5 (2024-05-19 09:52:30)
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