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AuthorChristmas event!
Dear Lords and Ladies,
This Christmas, the following features will be introduced through December 28 inclusive:

- Troops recover 50% faster;
- Mana recovers 50% faster;
- A Christmas Vault has been filled with presents for Lords and Ladies of combat level 3 and above. Unfortunately, the shipment of trinket keys has been stolen and they are now scattered throughout the Empire. You can retrieve them in any type of combat upon winning (if experience and faction skill points were gained). Each Vault compartment requires 4 trinkets to open, the central compartment may be opened only after all the other compartments have been looted. The presents can be: faction skill points, potions, lollies, elements, chests of abundance, or shop artifacts (with a low probability rare set items) with reduced durability that cannot be transferred.

Merry Christmas!
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