Pirate life is shrouded in a halo of romance, built on countless legends and incredible tales. They are filled with dreams: of boundless freedom stretching beyond the horizon of the sea; of infamy that instills terror at the mere mention; and, of course, of rich plunder and untold treasures. These dreams empower and urge one forward, barely catching the scent of loot, yet behind them lies a harsh truth: piracy is hard labor. Ruthless and bloody – not for everyone. The key to success lies not in dreams but in skill and personal grit. In abilities forged at sea and tempered by the fury of storms. Whether a gallant captain or a daring captainess – anyone with the right talents and diligence can become a legend, inspiring others to dream of greater things!
Attention, Lords and Ladies! Rumors abound that in the Imperial taverns pirate recruiters are once again luring travelers into their ranks with fabricated secrets and beautiful tales of easy riches and swift ships manned by experienced crews. Exercise caution!

Excerpts and secret provisions from the Pirate Code:
1) According to the Pirate Code of Honor, only experienced captains of Combat level 5 and higher are permitted to raid enemy ships, and all the raid battles are fought 1 on 1;
2) Only the crew that fits on your ship can join the raid. All others can bunker down in an inn or tavern;
3) New! Through the spyglass, take a good look at your target and assess the skill level of the enemy captain. If the defenders of the ship are beyond your crew's capabilities, it’s better to seek an easier prey. But remember, the simpler the prey, the lesser the potential loot;
4) Apart from Imperial merchant ships on the sea routes, one can also encounter smugglers and many others, including the lackeys of Redbeard. Catching them will not be an easy task, as their routes are not predetermined, but if you do come across them – let them know who the true master of these waters is!
5) Given the risks of the trade, you’ll need to enter combat in standard shop equipment. Enchantments have no effect;
6) New! Your faction abilities have no effect either, you are now a pirate! Or a piratess – we have free views on such matters. However, some of your past experience may still be useful to the crew – any spare parameters from the level of your highest faction skill will certainly not be made redundant (the skill of the highest level among all is automatically taken). But forget about your land-based talents – no more dry land nonsense!
?) Secret Provision! Only for True Pirates! If you are not a true pirate yet, you soon shall be! The real treasure is a complete list of pirate skills in a handy wheel – take what you fancy, but choose wisely, matey – wastin’ talents is a fool’s game! If your eyes are wanderin’, start with what’s in the center – such mastery is known only to our crew;
??) Another Secret Provision! Blasted magic! Think thrice if you truly need it. Then think seven times more! If the situation is hopeless – master the Light or the Darkness. Praise and curse, but no Chaos! Ships don’t last long with that nonsense. Leave that wicked business to the storm warlocks – they’ve had their share of trouble. Nature ain’t favoring you, not among the living. And don’t get too caught up in decay, or it’ll eat through the deck to the very bottom. Thankfully, the sea’s moisture has already weakened it – and for that, we thank the ocean. And forget about that berserker spell altogether – never recall it and never ask!
7) Important! You can carry out no more than 12 successful raids per day, with up to 18 attempts allowed. Don’t push the crew too hard; they aren’t horses – they’ll wear out quickly. However, all unused attempts carry over, for a well-rested crew can achieve great things (maximum – 84 victories and 126 attempts);
8) The duration of a raid must not exceed 7 days (until February 8 inclusive), except in special cases – a maximum of 3 days for everything (you can finish off the remaining attempts until February 11 inclusive);
9) Important! After a successful raid, make sure to grab anything that shines, rings, gurgles, or rattles: silver, creature armaments, Mercenaries' guild elements, diamonds, and artifacts with reduced durability. However note that first the cap works for the team, and then the team begins to work for the cap. So, until you accumulate 10,000 plundered silver (10,000 points) in the crew chest — do not even count on elements and artifacts;
9a) New! The common fund and payouts. A touchy subject, but for the greater good, from now on, all slow squids and just plain unlucky scallywags will receive a silver compensation at the end of the raid day, equal to their lag behind the day’s leader, minus 5% of the leader's daily haul. Tracking will be done across all combat levels throughout the current raid day, with payouts made after reaching the daily victory limit, i.e., after every 12th victorious battle, but not before the end of the current raid day. Records set after the day’s end won’t affect compensation calculations, ensuring fair distribution of silver. This unprecedented generosity applies to the results of the first 4 raid days, with the last payout made after the 48th victory – after that, good sirs and madams, you’re on your own!
9b) Important! Silver from compensations can be spent on hiring crew members, upgrading ships, and purchasing or enhancing cannons. It does not count towards plundered loot and isn’t included in the team chest accumulation or final exchange for gold. But fear not, no one will demand it back with interest, so take it freely and put it to good use!
10) Each victory gives you +1 Thieves' guild or +0.5 Hunters' guild point;
11) Important! Do not forget about the mercenary market, where you can hire additional crew members for silver. Prices there are as stable as the sea in calm, there’s nothing to speculate on, but neither will you be fooled day and night. But the services, as usual, are top-notch! Wanna get rid of a couple of spare mutts? Go ahead! No fees charged! All for the people! Want to see everyone? That's easy! Just don’t lose your eyes, or you won't be able to catch them. Why would the crew need an eyeless captain?
12) New! If too much silver has accumulated, you might as well splurge on a new and more powerful ship or cannons for it. There are now discounts during the raids on ship tools and weapons — they are being given away almost for nothing, don’t miss the chance!
13) The more powerful your ship, the more crew and cannons it can fit on board;
14) Important! The cannons' parameters only depend on their upgrade levels and your Combat level, however their initiative is affected by artifacts and faction skill level. Maybe not yet full members of the team, but they're not slacking!
15) After all the raids are over, Free Sails Pirates will reward the worthy ones with artifacts from their treasury, as well as exchange the looted silver (earned points) with gold according to the pirate exchange rates!
16) To boost morale, pirates give out a bottle of hearty rum for your 15th, 30th, and 50th victories, as well as the Golden scroll of calling for your 75th victory!
| For 15 wins | | For 30 wins | | For 50 wins | | For 75 wins |
One more thing! A little birdie told me that some ships are carrying certain valuable cargo — parts of Fear Bow and Magma Armour. Loot as much as you can and you’ll be sure to get your hands on some of these treats!
for 10 wins: 1 part;
for 20 wins: 2 parts;
for 30 wins: 3 parts;
for 40 wins: 4 parts;
for 60 wins: 5 parts;
for 70 wins: 5 parts;
After the raids are over and depending on the amount of silver looted, the Pirates will additionally grant you up to 5 parts of Fear Bow.
- The top 75 military clans and all their active members will earn the respect among pirates and receive yet another reward. Awarding will be based on the final clan ranking, where the final result will be equal to the sum of silver looted by clan’s 100 highest-scoring members;
- All unblocked Lords and Ladies of successful military clans will be rewarded if they loot at least 4,000 silver under clan’s banner;
- If a Lord or Lady leaves or is evicted from their military clan, the clan loses all of that member’s points earned for the clan. If the member rejoins the clan, the clan gets their points back;
- Leaving the clan on the last day of the event and before the award ceremony is forbidden;
- Admission to military clans from the second day of the event is limited to three Lords or Ladies per day;
- Important! Lords and Ladies who achieve 48 and more victories during the raid will not be able to join any military clan until the event is over.
Rewards for active members of top-ranking military clans:
Clan rank | Reward | Glory | 1 | | 1,500 | 2 | | 1,300 | 3 | | 1,100 | 4 | | 1,000 | 5 - 8 | | 900 | 9 - 13 | | 800 | 14 - 20 | | 600 | 21 - 30 | | 500 | 31 - 45 | | 400 | 46 - 60 | | 250 | 61 - 75 | | 100 |
Personal rewards for the best 5,000 Lords and Ladies based on the event results:
Lord/Lady rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
All aboard! |