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Topic Date
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[HWM Daily] Bash pictures. Part 309.27, 18:5212l_e_s_e_n_a09.28, 12:17, by Lord Syrian
[HWM Daily] New Tools. Part 309.18, 12:2813l_e_s_e_n_a09.18, 23:35, by Konan_D
Dynamic factions and builds09.07, 23:3232#7490Majblomma09.18, 12:23, by #4201virtual_vitrea
[News]Combat training quest09.11, 09:3430Poison Ivy09.14, 23:58, by crys41
[HWM Daily] Creature Armaments in a Nutshell09.12, 11:5517l_e_s_e_n_a09.13, 12:58, by Poison Ivy
Annoying to do thief quest in empire capital and east river09.12, 22:0610TheKnightsss09.13, 08:35, by ElfPride
[NEWS] 11th Paired Tournament09.04, 15:566#9595red-ant09.06, 19:11, by #9595red-ant
[HWM Daily] New Tools Available09.05, 10:2024l_e_s_e_n_a09.06, 19:04, by Lord harddude
Pair for Tournament09.04, 16:063#1209BobEsponja09.04, 18:00, by ElfPride
New Battlewise wiz creatures in hunt09.01, 22:416#7705Lord Fosgeen09.04, 00:03, by #9595red-ant
Find out if your Exp/Fsp Ratio is good enough.09.01, 10:0239Galabar09.03, 02:36, by GeraldTarrant
New Event? or New Guild? Maybe update?08.29, 11:59119Shubham_00709.02, 14:16, by sir jed knight
[News] Update on Commanders Guild08.25, 07:5570#7705Lord Fosgeen09.01, 23:41, by LORDKUSHU
fight qvest on .ru08.31, 22:566Rendijs78909.01, 08:42, by Usbeorn
Friends of the gameplan08.31, 14:355minku120808.31, 14:52, by blackdeathgr
[HWM Daily] Battlewise WIzard08.28, 19:0711l_e_s_e_n_a08.30, 17:21, by Lord Hallion91
Lack of honor08.27, 19:5622Forbaline08.27, 21:11, by ElfPride
Payers who log only at tournament hour08.25, 17:557Forbaline08.27, 20:17, by Usbeorn
Top five lists08.16, 16:3924#7490Majblomma08.25, 19:30, by gmt325gh
Player statistics08.24, 18:0517#7490Majblomma08.25, 16:19, by sorc_exp
Quick Tournament TOTAL FAIL08.23, 20:276Forbaline08.23, 21:03, by MrBattleControl
Tribal heavy overpowered and low level08.21, 19:2316Forbaline08.23, 01:31, by Rendijs789
Rebalance?08.19, 05:112Gaara08.19, 05:48, by Dragon Eater
People are Cheating 24/7 and noone in banning them08.17, 03:3127Forbalina08.19, 05:29, by Gaara
More troops in DE castle08.14, 13:4126#1209latawica08.15, 20:10, by Pang
21st Mixed Tournament - (from 08-14 14:00 till 08-24 22:15)08.14, 16:162astorgate08.15, 08:03, by ElfPride
[HWM Daily] Bash pictures. Part 208.05, 15:5717l_e_s_e_n_a08.10, 07:21, by #7705Warlock naviron
[HWM Daily] Battle for Throne Tournament08.06, 20:5618l_e_s_e_n_a08.09, 09:00, by Konan_D
[HWM Daily] Tavern08.01, 19:243l_e_s_e_n_a08.04, 14:06, by Sir Jedi Knight
Resignation07.24, 22:1895#4201Arctic08.03, 20:21, by #7279ppt_dragon

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