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Complaints and applications - Finance and others


Topic Date
Author Last message
Transmission between 1 and 2 account10.13, 21:011-Lord- Lord Zeppelin10.13, 21:01, by -Lord- Lord Zeppelin
People cursing at me in battles.10.10, 22:387dartwador410.13, 17:05, by dartwador4
Transfer log10.13, 14:451Lord Assassin2110.13, 14:45, by Lord Assassin21
mult10.13, 14:391Lord Neloth10.13, 14:39, by Lord Neloth
many rules broken10.13, 14:371Bartimaeus10.13, 14:37, by Bartimaeus
there's something I don't understand...10.13, 13:544Arwen_Undomiel10.13, 14:29, by Erlemar
multy fight10.13, 12:552No_Way_Is_Back10.13, 12:57, by No_Way_Is_Back
Duel10.13, 11:532KBAC10.13, 12:01, by KBAC
Wtf10.12, 20:455Lord Warlord10.13, 02:54, by Erlemar
Commander10.12, 22:073Ferretboy10.13, 02:38, by Erlemar
Vicco10.12, 12:321Rankine10.12, 12:32, by Rankine
Maldiduk using offensive language10.12, 12:081satan010010.12, 12:08, by satan0100
looks like a multi to me10.10, 12:1710evle5010.12, 11:52, by CrossXVamki
Top Blacklist10.11, 16:106RoxasBrianXXX10.12, 03:30, by Kush
2 guys who know each other in every one for oneself10.11, 23:333Vicco10.12, 01:52, by Kush
multi transfer + multi fights10.12, 00:581Vicco10.12, 00:58, by Vicco
multi suspected10.11, 11:592Lady Tyrisia10.11, 21:29, by Lady Tyrisia
multi10.11, 17:541Sven9110.11, 17:54, by Sven91
suspicious transfers10.10, 11:112Ignatzius10.10, 11:12, by Ignatzius
cheater10.10, 05:422Lord veteran10.10, 11:07, by Lord veteran
Multi accounts and trading between them (complaint)10.10, 08:0026Lord Qwik10.10, 10:31, by Erlemar
omg10.10, 10:142Lady Tyrisia10.10, 10:29, by Erlemar
warning appeal 210.10, 05:052delphy10.10, 05:10, by Erlemar
Penalty for multiusing?10.10, 04:092#7365Silverice10.10, 04:13, by Erlemar
Difference in multi and friends using computer10.09, 19:156Fire_Slayer10.10, 03:52, by Erlemar
warning appeal10.09, 19:414delphy10.10, 03:46, by Erlemar
why hero soma blocked?10.09, 18:028Ariela10.10, 03:45, by Erlemar
credit to own extra char10.09, 17:421Lady Straws10.09, 17:42, by Lady Straws
Transfer's10.06, 17:5633Commander10.09, 13:32, by Erlemar
block my personage10.09, 12:571Lord Necrokilldozer10.09, 12:57, by Lord Necrokilldozer

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