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Topic Date
Author Last message
dumdo11.01, 23:572Lady misself11.02, 02:02, by Syther
Here we go again11.01, 18:582#7181Lord MasterTI11.01, 23:38, by Lady misself
mults11.01, 18:581Lady Milana11.01, 18:58, by Lady Milana
Character transferred 20k to each of his Multis and other10.22, 20:364#7153limustudotcom11.01, 08:15, by #7153limustudotcom
multi11.01, 01:371micray11.01, 01:37, by micray
Multi10.31, 23:082#7279Lord eviltitan10.31, 23:48, by Lady misself
Multi10.31, 22:171Kush10.31, 22:17, by Kush
insane mail10.31, 19:563Lady Tyrisia10.31, 20:12, by gurumao
Cheating Multi!10.31, 14:541Lord DarkTan10.31, 14:54, by Lord DarkTan
Multi found10.31, 13:183Rhuwme10.31, 13:58, by sg_dark
2 Purposeful AFKers10.27, 12:356Lord t0rnad010.31, 12:32, by Lady misself
multi10.31, 06:271micray10.31, 06:27, by micray
Mults / or its just one person purposely forfiting in match10.31, 00:121MyOnlyRegret10.31, 00:12, by MyOnlyRegret
mult10.30, 18:491n-e-v10.30, 18:49, by n-e-v
PLEASE HELP !!!!!10.29, 12:3920bloody_evilsoul10.30, 17:19, by bloody_evilsoul
egis0000000000010.30, 07:424Lady misself10.30, 15:38, by Ignatzius
multichars?10.30, 14:141Lord Derryk10.30, 14:14, by Lord Derryk
Marcus and his mults10.30, 14:021#7365Lord Kotrin10.30, 14:02, by #7365Lord Kotrin
complain10.30, 11:103ronnie9810.30, 13:50, by Zyanya
Insults10.30, 12:213Kabesov10.30, 12:50, by gurumao
necro_mth10.30, 07:561Lady misself10.30, 07:56, by Lady misself
multi?10.30, 07:351#4201aRU10.30, 07:35, by #4201aRU
use of abusive language !!10.30, 04:512jalaj_dhir1510.30, 04:52, by Lady misself
Multi10.29, 19:581Aungzeya10.29, 19:58, by Aungzeya
multo10.29, 18:091Lord www198010.29, 18:09, by Lord www1980
Please Ban10.29, 15:371Magma_Beast10.29, 15:37, by Magma_Beast
multi tranfer:http://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=7746110.29, 13:354Final_Fantasy10.29, 13:54, by Final_Fantasy
cheating in grup battle10.29, 12:531Final_Fantasy10.29, 12:53, by Final_Fantasy
he/she is a multi >_>10.28, 02:324Bladeguy10.29, 03:36, by Bladeguy
http://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=12807610.28, 14:022MalaysiaMerdeka10.28, 15:01, by MalaysiaMerdeka

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