Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others <|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47|>
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Illegal transfer | 11.14, 22:26 | 1 | DoomStJohn | 11.14, 22:26, by DoomStJohn | insults at the tavern | 11.07, 19:38 | 3 | Lord Sundukoff | 11.14, 12:16, by Pang | Huge transaction between mutli-characters | 11.12, 19:47 | 5 | TheKnightsss | 11.13, 11:09, by TheKnightsss | 7ossany426 violation of rules | 11.12, 23:28 | 1 | TheGodly | 11.12, 23:28, by TheGodly | unlock character | 11.12, 17:19 | 2 | Lord Bugor1994 | 11.12, 20:59, by StevieGerrard | repair for multi | 11.11, 16:32 | 1 | Cric3z52557 | 11.11, 16:32, by Cric3z52557 | Exploiting STs | 10.12, 09:41 | 24 | Lord Baweja | 11.11, 08:42, by Lord Baweja | A lot of transfers. | 11.10, 11:52 | 1 | dGodlike | 11.10, 11:52, by dGodlike | Transfers between obvious but undeclared alts | 11.08, 02:13 | 2 | ChuckNoris | 11.09, 17:14, by ChuckNoris | illegal transfer by me | 06.13, 17:23 | 2 | Lord PappuK | 11.09, 16:54, by Lord PappuK | I cheated | 10.29, 01:39 | 7 | Tunass | 11.08, 12:29, by Pha3n | block | 11.07, 20:20 | 4 | Tunas | 11.07, 20:29, by Tunas | I just repaired for a multi | 11.06, 11:21 | 5 | Lord Hallion91 | 11.07, 20:27, by Lord Hallion91 | Illegal Transfers | 11.07, 13:55 | 1 | fightingking | 11.07, 13:55, by fightingking | suspicious combats among 3 accounts | 10.30, 02:56 | 3 | 4themassive | 11.07, 07:52, by Lord spicydevil | Interest for loan masked as gift | 11.06, 06:47 | 3 | Vlaer | 11.06, 07:03, by sanni001 | over 600k in loans | 11.05, 19:32 | 1 | ChuckNoris | 11.05, 19:32, by ChuckNoris | illegal transfers | 09.13, 12:20 | 2 | Lord Kam | 11.05, 13:53, by Lord Kam | a cheater | 11.05, 11:26 | 2 | Mihir_Luthra | 11.05, 13:02, by Lord Baweja | Loan Cheater | 11.05, 09:37 | 1 | bigbeast | 11.05, 09:37, by bigbeast | Financial Assist and possible case of multi char violation. | 11.04, 19:34 | 2 | imsunny | 11.05, 00:11, by 4themassive | prank loans | 11.03, 11:35 | 3 | desu1826 | 11.03, 12:40, by liers | Illegal Transfers | 11.03, 06:45 | 2 | Vlaer | 11.03, 07:21, by Vlaer | is this illegal transfer? | 09.07, 20:58 | 7 | Cric3z52557 | 11.03, 05:26, by Cric3z52557 | Illegal Transfer | 11.02, 16:16 | 1 | Marqule | 11.02, 16:16, by Marqule | illegal transfers | 11.02, 15:16 | 1 | Lord niranjan2009 | 11.02, 15:16, by Lord niranjan2009 | LexaO is a cheater player | 11.02, 10:15 | 4 | Lord max13 | 11.02, 10:47, by Lord DEATHisNEAR | Staged combats between alts | 10.28, 17:52 | 2 | ChuckNoris | 11.01, 15:56, by ChuckNoris | Transfers/leasing between character and alt | 11.01, 15:09 | 1 | ChuckNoris | 11.01, 15:09, by ChuckNoris | block me | 11.01, 14:41 | 2 | luckyfox | 11.01, 14:52, by Lord Lexo |