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TGI for sale | 08.03, 16:06 | 1 | Lord Tsedar | 08.03, 16:06, by Lord Tsedar | 8 ore 180 gold one | 08.03, 09:17 | 2 | eragon7777 | 08.03, 15:19, by eragon7777 | Buy TGI | 08.03, 12:45 | 1 | Lord Kansain | 08.03, 12:45, by Lord Kansain | Looking to rent TGI | 08.03, 11:16 | 1 | BazTheLegend | 08.03, 11:16, by BazTheLegend | looking for distributors | 07.31, 18:35 | 2 | hockeymaniac | 08.03, 02:58, by hockeymaniac | I Buy All Elements - New Prices | 07.25, 20:56 | 60 | Omega22 | 08.03, 00:18, by Omega22 | really cheap | 08.02, 22:40 | 1 | Zeroana | 08.02, 22:40, by Zeroana | [BUY] TGI | 08.02, 15:45 | 1 | Inko313 | 08.02, 15:45, by Inko313 | Il buy ur clan | 08.02, 09:00 | 3 | Lord --LIR-- | 08.02, 09:26, by Lord --LIR-- | [BUY] TGI | 07.30, 20:44 | 4 | Lady Death_Kate | 08.02, 08:59, by Lady Death_Kate | really cheap resources | 08.02, 08:07 | 1 | Zeroana | 08.02, 08:07, by Zeroana | SELL SOME ELEMENT>.! | 08.01, 17:37 | 2 | Darkcrussedar | 08.01, 17:46, by Darkcrussedar | [BUY] Elements good prices! | 08.01, 02:45 | 2 | Drackooner | 08.01, 03:45, by Drackooner | Need 2 windflower @ 5,000 | 07.31, 07:38 | 3 | kwan_waris3 | 07.31, 16:06, by kwan_waris3 | Tiger's claw on market | 07.31, 01:08 | 2 | Lord fromklin | 07.31, 12:37, by Lord fromklin | buy elements | 07.30, 15:25 | 2 | Lord Monte_Cristo | 07.30, 16:54, by Lord Monte_Cristo | [BUY] Looking to purchase Elements at good prices! | 07.03, 09:17 | 105 | kenshinrtk | 07.30, 06:39, by kenshinrtk | new for sale cheaper than u will ever see | 07.29, 12:22 | 1 | Zeroana | 07.29, 12:22, by Zeroana | ore merc and sulfur | 07.29, 04:13 | 1 | Lady slimy | 07.29, 04:13, by Lady slimy | TGI for rent | 07.27, 13:43 | 1 | Lord Acolyte | 07.27, 13:43, by Lord Acolyte | [SELL] TGI | 07.25, 21:26 | 2 | Lord Neoplan777 | 07.27, 10:21, by Lord Neoplan777 | [Buy] Elements <------ BEST prices around | 07.13, 18:56 | 18 | Lord Almer | 07.27, 09:59, by Lord Almer | make avator | 07.26, 07:31 | 2 | Xenus | 07.27, 06:10, by Lord SerROM | [BUY] Elements | 07.27, 06:02 | 1 | Alyna | 07.27, 06:02, by Alyna | Il buy ur clan for lots of gold!!!! | 07.20, 02:19 | 19 | hockeymaniac | 07.27, 02:40, by hockeymaniac | Urgently sell 18 ore | 07.26, 20:24 | 1 | Lord tnikolai | 07.26, 20:24, by Lord tnikolai | Buy your clan for 55.555 ! | 07.25, 06:29 | 3 | Lady yax | 07.26, 20:01, by Lady yax | Sell TGI | 07.24, 23:39 | 6 | rosaic | 07.26, 10:02, by Lord Someon3 | SELL TGI on market only 353k (very cheap) go buy it !^^ | 07.26, 08:33 | 2 | Lord Someon3 | 07.26, 09:56, by Lord Someon3 | Sell TGI by someon3 | 07.24, 09:57 | 9 | Lord Someon3 | 07.26, 08:11, by Lord Someon3 |