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All about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy et cetera


AuthorAll about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy et cetera
138: Orc chiefs are the best unit in the barb army. Period.

agreed, those chiefs pack a punch.
for sanni001:

at level 6, i dont think there's alot of possiblities.. you should try max orcs, and wolves for hunts while max orcs and ogres then wolves for PvP's. At level 7, i think hobgoblins will be better for most pvps.
How to win against, cheater demons? ( *read* Dark Demons)
We have a good site for CG statistics and for PvP also. It is on Russian. But have a simple interface. So you can figure how to get the right information from this statistics. For example, this is CG duel statistics abou classic barbarian VS DD on level 13th. http://lgnd.ru/gt/rating/lvl/13/r/5/er/107/dim/1 . You can choose a barbariand and watch his army and skills in a dual against DD. Also you can choose and watch fights. For example - I take this barbarian statistics from the list before http://lgnd.ru/gt/info/id/1753764/lvl/13/r/5/er/107/dim/1 and take a duel - http://lgnd.ru/gt/warid/467241657 or so - http://www.heroeswm.ru/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=467241657
That page... is just... too much useful... wow

Kudos to the creators of that page and to you for sharing.
It is nothing) It is a pity that not much players from .ru visit this topics) CG is not very popular Guild among players. About 5-15% players on level visit CG fights permanently. But before server merge our online was much higher. So CG and tournaments have enough players to create a fun base and interest to statistics. So one of top-players - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=16691 desided to create this site for PvP loving players.
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // ]
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // ]
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // ]
Which is the best barb class for survival tourney?
for K5isback: shadow
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
What is better for cloud levels ...

Fury barb or classic barb????
Fury barb
yeah , fury barb with tactics and boars for sure :)
I played as fury barb since it was released

I forgot the reason I wanted to build the barb castle in the first place

I forgot the true power of the classic barbarian

Just switched to Barbarian and played an MG quest with the Triple-strike Wolfies .. Goch :')
for elvishW:

I'm so with you bro :)
its been 2months since i became a normal barb.
and man what power.

boars+wolf raiders> shrews+ fiends+elite forest keepers! :) ^x^
Only problem is Raiders are very fragile. Boars less so cause of Tribal Spirit

they die too easy. but are quite dangerous when u have luck 3 or 4 luck :D
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