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Errors these days

AuthorErrors these days
I keep on getting the following error message when trying to access the Group Battle page of the game.
FYI: I'm accessing from the .com site using a PC or a laptop.

Èãðà HeroesWM.ru íåäîñòóïíà :(
Èç-çà àâàðèè â äàòà öåíòðå íàøåãî ïðîâàéäåðà ñåðâåð heroeswm.ru íåäîñòóïåí. Ìû æäåì ñêîðåéøåãî ðåøåíèÿ ïðîáëåìû. (Îáíîâèòü)

Èñïîëüçóéòå ñòðåëêè íà êëàâèàòóðå èëè ùåë÷îê ìûøè, ÷òîáû íàïðàâèòü âàøèõ ñóùåñòâ â íóæíóþ ñòîðîíó. Îáúåäèíÿéòå îäèíàêîâûõ ñóùåñòâ äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ áîëåå ìîùíûõ; öåëüþ èãðû ÿâëÿåòñÿ äîñòèæåíèå ñàìîãî ñèëüíîãî ñóùåñòâà âàøåé ôðàêöèè. Óäà÷è!
Can't post the original message in Russian.
Here is an English version from Google translate.

Èãðà HeroesWM.ru parade :(
Completion of the project in order to establish a new home base for a long-term life game. This is a very useful way to do this. (Unless)

To ensure that you have the ability to set the number of monitors on the back of your hands that are on the same level as the scenarios of the shots on the back of your hands that are on your way. Dedicated to those involved in securing the conditions necessary for them to be active; Requirements for the use of this system is necessary. Ó à
And I only have this error at the Group Battle page. Have no problem with other pages of the games. Anything wrong?
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Technical support".
I have artifact wearing..but the game said those are not artifact items.
for bp99:
take a screenshot.
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2008-2024, online games LordsWM