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Create your best unit! Max 5 abilities!


AuthorCreate your best unit! Max 5 abilities!
With regard to diamond armour I happened to read the info for shield allies which says "Allied stacks adjacent to this creature who do not have the 'Large shield' ability take 25% less ranged damage. This ability doesn't stack from multiple sources"

Now according to this language they have only specified large shield, and not other forms of ranged protection, such as diamond armour. Has anyone tested whether diamond golems get a further 25% less damage if placed next to a troop with shield allies? It is probably not very significant anyway given the fact that diamond armour protects so much ranged damage, but would be intrigued to know.
+1 for that question
Now according to this language they have only specified large shield, and not other forms of ranged protection, such as diamond armour. Has anyone tested whether diamond golems get a further 25% less damage if placed next to a troop with shield allies? It is probably not very significant anyway given the fact that diamond armour protects so much ranged damage, but would be intrigued to know.

I have been curious whether shield allies stacks with shielded. That's a very practical question, knowing if dwarf warriors next to guardians is a good idea.
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